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Closed Feb 9, 2024 100% complete

Backwards incompatible release (major)

  • Add support for Doctrine ORM v3 and Doctrine DBAL v4
  • Remove suppor for Doctrine ORM < v3 and Doctrine DBAL < v4

Upgrade guide

Main BC break in config regards the event_manager key: move it from the connection to the entity_manager parent key and everything should work again as expected.

API changes


Backwards incompatible release (major)

  • Add support for Doctrine ORM v3 and Doctrine DBAL v4
  • Remove suppor for Doctrine ORM < v3 and Doctrine DBAL < v4

Upgrade guide

Main BC break in config regards the event_manager key: move it from the connection to the entity_manager parent key and everything should work again as expected.

API changes

[BC] REMOVED: Method Roave\PsrContainerDoctrine\AbstractFactory::__callStatic() was removed
[BC] CHANGED: Class Roave\PsrContainerDoctrine\Migrations\CommandFactory became final
[BC] REMOVED: Method Roave\PsrContainerDoctrine\AbstractFactory::__callStatic() was removed
[BC] CHANGED: Method retrieveConfig() of class Roave\PsrContainerDoctrine\AbstractFactory became final
[BC] CHANGED: Method retrieveDependency() of class Roave\PsrContainerDoctrine\AbstractFactory became final
[BC] CHANGED: The return type of Roave\PsrContainerDoctrine\AbstractFactory#retrieveDependency() changed from no type to mixed
[BC] CHANGED: Class Roave\PsrContainerDoctrine\Migrations\ConfigurationLoaderFactory became final
[BC] REMOVED: Method Roave\PsrContainerDoctrine\AbstractFactory::__callStatic() was removed
[BC] CHANGED: The return type of Roave\PsrContainerDoctrine\Migrations\ConfigurationLoaderFactory#createWithConfig() changed from no type to Doctrine\Migrations\Configuration\Migration\ConfigurationLoader
[BC] CHANGED: The return type of Roave\PsrContainerDoctrine\AbstractFactory#__invoke() changed from no type to mixed
[BC] CHANGED: Method retrieveConfig() of class Roave\PsrContainerDoctrine\AbstractFactory became final
[BC] CHANGED: Method retrieveDependency() of class Roave\PsrContainerDoctrine\AbstractFactory became final
[BC] CHANGED: The return type of Roave\PsrContainerDoctrine\AbstractFactory#retrieveDependency() changed from no type to mixed

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