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IcedFrisby API Guide

The Basics

Every frisby request begins with create(..) and ends with toss() or run().


Parameter Description Required
msg A string used to name the test when it's wrapped in mocha for execution at runtime Yes

Used to create an instance of IcedFrisby that is used to send 1 request and receive the response.

  .create('a test')
  // any number of additional expect statements here


Complete the list of commands and register the test with Mocha.

  .create('a test')
  // any number of additional expect statements here

IcedFrisby hook methods like after() and finally() provide useful integration points for chaining tests and performing additional assertions when the tests complete.

async run()

Run the test, returning a promise that resolves or rejects when the test completes. This is useful for running a test within an .it() and for chaining workflows using async/await.

await frisby
  .create('a test')
  // any number of additional expect statements here


Parameter Description Required
opts Object containing configuration options for this instance of Frisby Yes

Configuration object properties:

  • inspectOnFailure (boolean): This is a really neat option that will help you figure out what is happening with your requests. Dumps request/response information to the logs.
  • json (boolean): Sets body to JSON representation of value and adds Content-type: application/json header. Additionally, parses the response body as JSON.
  • timeout (integer): Sets the maximum time we'll wait for a response before failing the request
  • retry (integer): Number of times we'll try this request before returning a failure. If timeout is set, each retry uses the timeout.
  • request (object): Options for the request module. An object containing any of these:

Must be called before any request method (get/post/options etc.)

  .config({ inspectOnFailure: true })


These are the commands you'll need to get IcedFrisby talking HTTP.

An optional parameters object is accepted by each of these methods. All object parameters are optional.

  json: 'boolean',         //Whether this will be a JSON body. Overrides value set in config().
  body: 'string'|'object', //The body to include in the outbound request. This overrides "data" if provided in method call.
  mock: 'function',        //A mock runner to use. When not provided, uses "request" (i.e. does it for real).
  form: 'boolean'          //Use the object in the body to create a form-encoded request.

get(uri, params)

Parameter Description Required
uri The URI/URL being requested Yes
params An optional params object, as described above No

Perform an HTTP GET on the specified URI.

  .create('a test')
  // any number of additional expect statements here

head(uri, params)

Identical to get, using an HTTP HEAD request.

options(uri, params)

Identical to get, using an HTTP OPTIONS request.

post(uri, data, params)

Parameter Description Required
uri The URI string Yes
data The data to post. An object when { json: true } or { form: true }, or else a data string / buffer. Yes
params An optional params object, as described above. No

Perform an HTTP POST to the specified URI.

  .create('a test')
  .post('', {
    username: '',
    password: 'J0£_£x@mpl£',
  // any number of additional expect statements here

  .create('another test')
      name: 'Test Person',
      comment: 'What a lovely test',
    { form: true }
  // any number of additional expect statements here

put(uri, data, params)

Identical to post, using an HTTP PUT request.

patch(uri, data, params)

Identical to post, using an HTTP PATCH request.

delete(uri, data, params)

Identical to post, using an HTTP DELETE request.

addHeader(header, content)

Adds an HTTP header to your request

Parameter Description Required
header String giving the name of the header. Case insensitive. Yes
content String giving the value of the given header. Case sensitive. Yes

Note that content is always a string, regardless of whether the data it would represent is something else (an integer or GUID for example).

This method can be repeated for the same header value, replacing (not duplicating) the header on each successive call.

  .create('a test')
  .addHeader('Accept', 'text/html')
  // any number of additional expect statements here


Adds a collection of headers to your request

Parameter Description Required
headers A flat object where each key becomes a header name and each corresponding value becomes that header's value in the request. As per HTTP spec, all header names are case-insensitive. Yes
  .create('a test')
    accept: 'text/html',
    referer: '',
  // any number of additional expect statements here


Removes a given header from the outgoing request.

Parameter Description Required
header String giving the name of the header to be removed Yes
  .create('Request with stripped headers')

In this example, the Content-Type is always set by IcedFrisby, but the test developer doesn't want to send it so they can validate whether their API is resilient to such things.


Sets the basic auth header for the request.

Parameter Description Required
username String Yes
password String Yes
isDigest Boolean. Defaults to false.
When given and true, will configure IcedFrisby to send the request initially without the auth header, then repeat the request with the auth header when challenged with an HTTP/401 that has a WWW-Authenticate header
  .create('Get secret things')
  .auth('bob', 'letmein')

As an alternative, you can use


IcedFrisby provides a lot of helper functions to help you check the most common aspects of REST API testing.

Use the expect functions after create() and before toss().

  .create('a test')
  // any number of additional expect statements here


Tests the HTTP response Status code.

Parameter Description Required
code Integer representing the HTTP status code expected to be on the response. Yes
  .create('Ensure we are dealing with a teapot')

Note: IcedFrisby represents all network timeouts as a response of HTTP/599.

expectHeader(key, content, options)

Tests that a single HTTP response header has the exact content or matches a regex. Key comparisons are case-insensitive. Content comparisons are case-insensitive for strings, case-sensitive for regular expressions.

Parameter Description Required
key String. Name of the header. Yes
content String or RegExp to be matched. Yes
options Object. When containing allowMultipleHeaders: true, will check each parameter with this name and succeed if 1 or more matches.
By default, multiple headers containing this name will raise an error.

String example:

  .create('Ensure response has a proper JSON Content-Type header')
  .expectHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')

    'Ensure response has JSON somewhere in the Content-Type header via regex'
  .expectHeader('Content-Type', /.*json.*/)

  .create('Ensure response returns one cookie called "auth"')
  .post('', { username: admin, password: example })
  .expectHeader('Set-Cookie', /^auth=/, { allowMultipleHeaders: true })

For backwards compatibility, expectHeaderToMatch(key, pattern) is an alias for this function (but does not accept the options parameter).


Tests that a specific HTTP header was not received in the response

Parameter Description Required
key String. Name of the header. Yes
  .create('Ensure response has no Set-Cookie header')

expectHeaderContains(key, content, options)

Tests that a single HTTP response header contains the specified content. Both key and content comparisons are case-insensitive.

Parameter Description Required
key String. Name of the header. Yes
content String to be matched. Yes
options Object. When containing allowMultipleHeaders: true, will check each parameter with this name and succeed if 1 or more matches.
By default, multiple headers containing this name will raise an error.
  .create('Ensure response has JSON somewhere in the Content-Type header')
  .expectHeaderContains('Content-Type', 'json')

  .create('Ensure response returns one cookie called "auth"')
  .post('', { username: admin, password: example })
  .expectHeader('Set-Cookie', 'auth=', { allowMultipleHeaders: true })

expectJSON([path], json)

Tests that response body is JSON and deeply equals the provided JSON.

Parameter Description Required
path String. Path to the the subset of the response JSON to be tested. No
json Object. The JSON to test against. Yes

For info on the path parameter, see Using Paths.

  .create('Ensure test has foo and bar')
  .expectJSON('args', {
    args: {
      foo: 'bar',
      bar: 'baz',

expectContainsJSON([path], json)

Tests that response body is JSON and contains a subset of the provided JSON.

Parameter Description Required
path String. Path to the the subset of the response JSON to be tested. No
json Object. The JSON to test against. Yes

For info on the path parameter, see Using Paths.

  .create('Ensure test has foo and bar')
  .expectContainsJSON('args', {
    foo: 'bar',

expectJSONTypes([path], schema)

Validates the response body against the provided Joi schema.

Parameter Description Required
path String. Path to the the subset of the response JSON to be tested. No
schema Joi schema that the response JSON should conform to. Yes

For info on the path parameter, see Using Paths.

  .create('Ensure response has proper JSON types in specified keys')
  .post('', {
    arr: [1, 2, 3, 4],
    foo: 'bar',
    bar: 'baz',
    answer: 42,
      arr: Joi.array().items(Joi.number()).required(),
      foo: Joi.string().required(),
      bar: Joi.string().required(),
      answer: Joi.number().integer().required(),


Tests that the HTTP response body contains the provided content string. Used for testing HTML, text, or other content types.

Parameter Description Required
content String or RegExp that the body will be tested against Yes
    'Ensure this is *actually* a real teapot, not some imposter coffee pot'

expectJSONLength([path], length)

Tests given path or full JSON response for specified length. When used on objects, the number of keys are counted. When used on other JavaScript types such as Arrays or Strings, the native length property is used for comparison.

Parameter Description Required
length Integer representing expected length, e.g. 3
String reprenting a condition, e.g. >10. Can be any of <, <=, >, >=
    'Ensure "bar" really is only 3 characters... because you never know...'
  .expectJSONLength('', 3)


Tests that the HTTP response arrives within a given number of milliseconds

Parameter Description Required
ms Integer representing number of milliseconds as the max threshold for the response Yes
  .create('Ensure response arrives within two seconds')


Negates all expectJSON, expectJSONTypes, expectContainsJSON and expectJSONLength expects in this test, inverting the logic to expect the opposite, e.g. JSON doesn't contain this.

  .create('Check deleted item no longer exists')
  .expectContainsJSON('*', { name: 'Jane Doe' })

Using Paths

Paths are used in the following IcedFrisby functions:

  • expectJSON
  • expectContainsJSON
  • expectJSONTypes
  • expectJSONLength

Testing Nested Objects

The path parameter can be used to test a nested JSON object.

  .create('Ensure response has proper JSON types in specified keys')
  .post('', {
    answer: 42,
      answer: Joi.number().integer().required(),

This example returns a REST response with { args: { json: { answer: 42 } } }. Using a path of args.json allows testing of a nested JSON object, { answer: 42 }. This is useful when you don't care about other parts of the response.

Testing All Objects in an Array

To test all objects in an array, use an asterisk character, so the path looks like 'args.path.myarray.*'. If the array is at the root level, use '*' as the path.

This path mode is often combined with expectJSONTypes to ensure each item in an array contains all required keys and types.

  // some request that returns:
  // [
  //   {
  //     number: 5,
  //     string: 'a string'
  //   },
  //   {
  //     number: 6,
  //     string: 'another string'
  //   }
  // ]
  .expectJSONTypes('*', Joi.object().keys({
      number: Joi.number().required(),
      string: Joi.string().required(),
      boolean: Joi.boolean().forbidden()

Testing One Object in an Array

To test a single object in an array, use a question mark character, so the path looks like 'args.path.myarray.?'. If the array is at the root level, use '?' as the path.

// some request that returns:
// [
//   {
//     number: 5
//   },
//   {
//     string: 'a string'
//   }
// ]
  .expectJSONTypes('?', Joi.object().keys({
    string: Joi.string().required()


IcedFrisby provides the useApp(app, basePath) function to bootstrap a Node.js http.Server-based application. Provide your app object and IcedFrisby will start the Express/Koa/etc application and proceed to test against the application.

This is similar to supertest's request function:

You may pass an http.Server, or a Function to request() - if the server is not already listening for connections then it is bound to an ephemeral port for you so there is no need to keep track of ports.

  • Types: app: http.Server, basePath: string
  • Defaults: app: none, basePath: ''

Example Use

Express Application

var express = require('express')
var app = express()

app.get('/', function (req, res) {
  res.send('Hello World!')

// prevent the app from starting if it is required as a module (it is in this example!)
if (!module.parent) {
  var server = app.listen(3000, function () {
    var host = server.address().address
    var port = server.address().port
    console.log('Example app listening at http://%s:%s', host, port)

module.exports = app // export the application

IcedFrisby Test

var app = require('./app')

describe('Express app integration', function () {
    .create('should start the app and request')
    .expectBodyContains('Hello World!')



Callback function to run before the tested request is executed. Can be used to set up a test environment or even to launch a server. If an argument is provided, it is assumed to be a callback function, similar to Mocha's before(). Useful for writing plugins. Multiple registered functions are run in order of registration.

  .create('Upcheck test')
  .before(function () {
    this._pluginContext = 123
  .before(function (done) {
    http.createServer().listen(80, done)


Callback function to run after test is completed successfully. Can be used to run tests sequentially. If an extra argument is provided, it is assumed to be a callback function, similar to Mocha's after(). Multiple registered functions are run in order of registration.

  .create('First test')
  .after(function (err, res, body, headers, done) {
    // async, don't forget to invoke done()
  .after(function (err, res, body, headers) {
      .create('Second test, run after first is completed')


Callback function to run after test is done, either successfully or not. Can be used to tear down a test context established with before(). If an extra argument is provided, it is assumed to be a callback function, similar to Mocha's after(). Useful for writing plugins. Multiple registered functions are run in order of registration.

  .create('First test')
  .finally(function () {
    // sync
  .finally(function (done) {
    // async, don't forget to invoke done()


Callback function to run after test is completed. This helper function automatically converts the response body to JSON.

frisby.create('First test')
  .afterJSON(function(json) {

    // Now you can use 'json' in additional requests
    frisby.create('Second test, run after first is completed')
      .get('' +



When running in Mocha, run this test exclusively. When toss() is invoked, the test is wrapped in a Mocha describe.only block instead of a describe block.

Has no effect on run().


Skip this test. When run() is invoked, do nothing. When toss() is invoked, the test is wrapped in a Mocha describe.skip block instead of a describe block. skip() takes precedence over only().


When condition is true, skip this test. run() will do nothing and toss() will wrap the test in describe.skip.


When predicate evaluates to true, skip this test. This allows conditional skipping based on further manipulation of the Frisby object later in the call chain (e.g. for conditionally skipping tests with intercepts).


Sets the timeout for this request.

Parameter Description Required
ms Integer. Sets the timeout for this individual request. Yes
  .create('Long-running request')

When a timeout occurs, the test will be aborted. The expectations and inspections may or may not run and will not be printed. If you want to run all the expectations and inspections even when the response is slow, use expectMaxResponseTime instead.

If this were used in conjunction with retries, each retry would have this configured timeout.

This function can also be called with no parameter to return the current configured timeout (either by default, by global setup or having used this function with a parameter previously).

retry(count, backoff)

Set the number of (and additional backoff between) retries for this test. Each retry will be the configured timeout plus (retry number x backoff) apart.

Parameter Description Required
count Integer. Number of times to retry (meaning that 0 is still a single attempt) Yes
backoff Integer. Number of milliseconds to add to the wait between each successive retry. Defaults to 1000ms. No
  .create('Get a flaky thing')
  .retry(2, 250)

In this above example, this makes two retries, for a total of three attempts, waiting 250 ms between them. For each attempt, the timeout resets to 5000 ms (the default).


Set the root URI/URL that will be prepended to every request, replacing anything set by request.baseUri in global setup.

  .create('Simple Get')


Sets a period of time in milliseconds to wait after the test starts (and any before() hook processing) until the request is sent. This can allow time for server-side processing between chained requests.

const myUser = { name: 'Jane Doe' }
  .create('Create Item')
  .post('', myUser)
  .after(function (err, res, body, headers) {
      .create('Check Item Exists')
      .expectJSON('?', myUser)


Sets a function to run if an error is raised. Can be used to output additional debug info not covered by the inspectors, or perhaps to add validation to a non-deterministic result.

  .create('Expecting something from nothing')
  .exceptionHandler(err => {
    expect(err) //Asserts that this came from a failing "expect" function
    expect(err.message).to.equal("expected '' to include 'foo'")


Inspectors are useful for viewing details about HTTP requests and responses in the console.

Note that .config({ inspectOnFailure: true }) is a really neat option that will help you figure out what is happening with your requests. Dumps request/response information to the logs.


Provides access to request and response data before expectations are executed. This should not be used for assertions. Use after() for more assertions.

Parameter Description Required
cb Callback function to be called before any expects are run.
Signature: function(err, req, res, body, headers){..}

Callback Parameters:

Parameter Description
err Error object if there was an error making the request. Will be null if no error is present.
req request object IcedFrisby made to the endpoint
res response object received from the endpoint
body body object (a part of the response)
headers headers object (a part of the response)
  .create('Inspecting some data')
  .inspect(function (err, req, res, body, headers) {
    console.log('Got args:' + body.args)


Inspects the entire request object sent from IcedFrisby.

Parameter Description Required
message An optional to print before the inspection No
  .create('Just a quick inspection of the JSON HTTP response')


Inspects the entire response.

Parameter Description Required
message An optional to print before the inspection No
  .create('Just a quick inspection of the JSON HTTP response')


Inspects the response headers.

Parameter Description Required
message An optional to print before the inspection No
  .create('Just a quick inspection of the JSON HTTP response')

Console output:

{ server: 'nginx',
  date: 'Sun, 17 May 2015 02:38:21 GMT',
  'content-type': 'application/json',
  'content-length': '188',
  connection: 'close',
  'access-control-allow-origin': '*',
  'access-control-allow-credentials': 'true' }


Dumps parsed JSON body to the console.

Parameter Description Required
message An optional to print before the inspection No
  .create('Just a quick inspection of the JSON HTTP response')

Console output:

{ url: '',
   { 'Content-Length': '',
     'X-Forwarded-Port': '80',
     Connection: 'keep-alive',
     Host: '',
     Cookie: '',
     'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
  args: { foo: 'bar', bar: 'baz' },
  origin: '' }


Dumps the raw response body to the console without any parsing.

Parameter Description Required
message An optional string to print before the inspection No
// Test
  .create('Very useful for HTML, text, or raw output')

Console output:

  ______    _     _             _
 |  ____|  (_)   | |           (_)
 | |__ _ __ _ ___| |__  _   _   _ ___
 |  __| '__| / __| '_ \| | | | | / __|
 | |  | |  | \__ \ |_) | |_| |_| \__ \
 |_|  |_|  |_|___/_.__/ \__, (_) |___/
                         __/ |_/ |


Inspects the response status.

Parameter Description Required
message An optional string to print before the inspection No
  .create('Just a quick inspection of the JSON HTTP response')

Send Raw JSON or POST Body

By default, IcedFrisby sends POST and PUT requests as application/x-www-form-urlencoded parameters. If you want to send a raw request body or actual JSON, use { json: true } as the third argument (object literal of options).

  .create('Post JSON string as body')
      arr: [1, 2, 3, 4],
      foo: 'bar',
      bar: 'baz',
      answer: 42,
    { json: true }
  .expectHeaderContains('Content-Type', 'json')