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Robnocop edited this page Mar 21, 2013 · 5 revisions

I just did something in the wrong order adding a branch did unfortunatly not work well, I also managed to add some "backup directories" need to fix that. If you are wondering no you don't need to look into those files.

git status --> to check what is changed etc (replace the src files manually in explorer, so copy from working directory to the parlevision-gitt dir)

git add src/plvopencv/Videoproducer.* --> added the Videoproducer file

git commit -m 'test src of ledblobtracker v0' --> put in the local file stuff

git remote add ledblobttracker --> add a name to the commit in this case ledblobtracker

git push -u ledblobttracker master --> push the actual added files in the remote master branch in this case --> enter password used in the ssh

--> in other words it puts it on the github page, ledblobttracker (name of commit) in master branch with the comment given earlier

git branch ledblobtracker git checkout ledblobtracker --> creates a new branch, called ledblobtracker

git remote add ledbranch git@... git push -u ledbranch ledblobtracker --> put it the ledbranch update on to github

//removing a previous commit git rebase -i HEAD^^ git push origin +master --> might need to remove one of the revision ssh codes in vim, can exit vim with :q! when neccesary or :wq for writing and exit, --> removes the last update

git clone

Clones your fork of the repository into the current directory in terminal

further reading:

Clone this wiki locally