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Running Scenarios Palbator

thomas.cure edited this page Jul 29, 2020 · 6 revisions

1. Receptionist Scenario

During this scenario, the robot must welcome a guest, talk to the guest to learn information (name, age, favourite drink etc.) and introduce the new guest to others guests already known by the robot.

To run correctly the scenario, please follow the following instructions :

  • In each terminal, we assume that you went to your workspace and sourced (ex: cd robocup_2020_ws && source devel/setup.bash)
  • Make sure that your network is connected to PAL_Robotics and check your IP with ifconfig. In your ~/.bashrc, the variable ROS_MASTER_URI must be and the variable ROS_IP must be the IP you checked just before. If your IP is well configured, you should see a list of topics running the command rostopic list in a terminal.

To use the kinect2 image topic, go in the /robocup-main/ros_people_mng/people_mng/ros_people_mng_node/launch/people_mng.launch file and modify the argument camera_topic_manager into /kinect2/hd/image_color.

To modify interests points, run the Map Manager : rosrun map_manager, move the robot with the joystick controller NOT WITH A 2D NAV GOAL FROM RVIZ and call the service to save the position of the robot : rosservice call /save_BaseLinkInterestPoint "label: 'point_name'" Please respect the following naming standard : "place_XXX" for example place_livingRoom MODIF GM JSON

Each command below must be executed in a separate terminal :

  • start the React app : cd src/robocup-main/robocup_palbator-hri_js && npm start. You should see the application starting in a web browser and displaying a welcome page.
  • start the MapManager : rosrun map_manager
  • start the NavigationManager : roslaunch navigation_manager pmb2_navigation_mng_overall.launch
  • start the Kinect : roslaunch kinect2_bridge kinect2_bridge.launch in the workspace where you installed the kinect drivers
  • start the Bbox_3D : roslaunch coordinates_point_cloud tf_bbox.launch
  • start the PeopleManagement : roslaunch ros_people_mng_node people_mng.launch
  • start the GeneralManager : roslaunch general_mng general_manager.launch
  • start the HRIManager + STT + TTS : roslaunch HriManager hri_manager.launch If a menu appears on the React app, please choose the Receptionist scenario. Otherwise, if the app is still displaying the welcome page, click on the refresh button, the menu should appear.

2. Clean Up Scenario

During this scenario, the robot must ask in which room it has to go, then detect misplaced objects in that room and store them at their predefined locations.

To run correctly the scenario, please follow the following instructions :

  • In each terminal, we assume that you went to your workspace and sourced (ex: cd robocup_2020_ws && source devel/setup.bash)
  • Make sure that your network is connected to PAL_Robotics and check your IP with ifconfig. In your ~/.bashrc, the variable ROS_MASTER_URI must be and the variable ROS_IP must be the IP you checked just before. If your IP is well configured, you should see a list of topics running the command rostopic list in a terminal.

To modify interests points, run the Map Manager : rosrun map_manager, move the robot with the joystick controller NOT WITH A 2D NAV GOAL FROM RVIZ and call the service to save the position of the robot : rosservice call /save_BaseLinkInterestPoint "label: 'point_name'" Please respect the following naming standard : "place_XXX" for example place_livingRoom

To divide the map in several rooms to make the object detection work entirely, please refer to the procedure here. MODIF JSON GM

Each command below must be executed in a separate terminal :

  • start the React app : cd src/robocup-main/robocup_palbator-hri_js && npm start. You should see the application starting in a web browser and displaying a welcome page.
  • start the MapManager : rosrun map_manager
  • start the NavigationManager : roslaunch navigation_manager pmb2_navigation_mng_overall.launch
  • start the Kinect : roslaunch kinect2_bridge kinect2_bridge.launch in the workspace where you installed the kinect drivers
  • start the Bbox_3D : roslaunch coordinates_point_cloud tf_bbox.launch
  • start the Darknet ROS : roslaunch darknet_ros darknet_ros.launch
  • start the GeneralManager : roslaunch general_mng general_manager.launch
  • start the HRIManager + STT + TTS : roslaunch HriManager hri_manager.launch If a menu appears on the React app, please choose the CleanUp scenario. Otherwise, if the app is still displaying the welcome page, click on the refresh button, the menu should appear.

3. Authors

  • Thomas Curé
  • Simon Ernst