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Video of me explaining it with my bad spaniard accent:

You can choose to directly use the files, or you can use the commands below, in the commands section (if you're lazy, it's in this link)

items.txt file format:

RoomType:ItemType1, ItemType2...:Probability:Vector3:Rotation where RoomType comes from this link and ItemTypes from this link; probability takes a float number (75.48 for example); and both Vector3 and Rotation take things like 5,1.48,10:1,0,0

If you're using the ItemManager version, to use the items you must type "IM_XXX" where XXX is the ID of the Custom Item you want to spawn. That is, instead of typing something like IS NL E 1 items=COM15 you'd have to do IS NL E 1 items=IM:101 for the HS8 shotgun, for example; same goes for the .txt file, COIN, IM_101, IM_105 will have a 33% probability of spawning any of these.


Server console

The command to fetch a new position is newpos. I felt this was the best way because you can easily bind it to any key by doing cmdbind <key> .newpos so you can choose a bunch of spawnpoints easily. These get added to the "NEWLIST", which you can access via the R.A.

Remote Admin Console

You can type ITEMSPAWNER HELP [COMMAND] for more info about one specific command, or just the command without any other argument. <> means it's mandatory, [] is optional

  • ITEMSPAWNER ADDCOINS <RoomType> - Adds the coin spawned through the newpos command to a list you can later modify
  • ITEMSPAWNER CLEARLIST - Removes all the spawned coins positions that haven't been added to the NEWLIST
  • ITEMSPAWNER NEWLIST [EDIT/REMOVE/CONFIRM] <ID> <Parameters> - Displays the current list that will be added to the items.txt file, which you can modify
  • ITEMSPAWNER SPAWNLIST [EDIT/REMOVE] - Displays or modifies the current spawnlist, so you can modify it
  • ITEMSPAWNER ROOMLIST - Displays every RoomType in the game. Non-unique rooms like hallways will probably not work, tho.


Config Option Value Type Default Value Description
is_enable bool true Enables/disables this plugin completely
is_allowedranks Rank list owner, admin Who can use this plugin, you shouldn't really give this to mods, tbh, instead tell them to download this plugin and tell them to do it in their machines
is_verbose bool true Prints info in the console about spawned stuff and some other stuff
is_use_global_items bool true Reads from items.txt globally or in a per-server basis (or using the items.txt inside the appdata folder if you're hosting one server)