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RollingGecko edited this page May 28, 2017 · 7 revisions

Welcome to the ArduBoardControler wiki!

On the following sites I want to give you all information needed to equip you VESC bldc Controller with the ArduBoardControler.

#But what is the ArduBoardControler?

Arduino based remote for VESC with nRF24

Library required

To the VESC is a message send with joystick information and buttons pressed. VESC handels the message like a message needed for the nunchuk app. For details to the nunchuk app on the vesc please refer to:

The the needed changes in the firmware of the VESC were merged so that the UART message can be handled. Please update your firmware.


  • Remote to VESC over nRF24l01 Radio
  • Reading of X/Y joystick positions and 2 buttons and transmit to vesc
  • Vesc is connected over UART to remote Ardunio nano
  • All measured values from VESC like input voltage, current etc. is send to remote
  • TX is master and RX slave: Sending direction nRF24 from TX to RX. Feedback only over acknowledgement message

#Forum For discussions etc. refer to the forum.


You can follow my activities also on facebook Berlin Custom Boards. If you like this project I would be happy if you would give me there a like.


How to set up ArduBoardControl Implementation Example

Feature Wishlist Backlog

#Bug report Please use the issue tracking

#Releases Release list

Supporters are welcome. There is a lot to be done.

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