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Camera Surveillance System

Object Tracking and Identification using OpenCV and YOLO framework

Installation - READ FIRST!

The necessary modules and packages are stored in the requirements.txt

Install the text file FIRST!! before running any of the scripts or else it won't work!

  • TYPE py -m pip install -r requirements.txt in your python environment terminal to execute text file
  • For MAC USERS use python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

The Webcam Script

  • It will track any movement from the video footage
  • Identify the object that is on screen and display a label
  • The script attached will seek permission from camera and identify any object from the footage

Dashbaord Script

  • The Dashboard is the user interface where I control can control the review and edit the slips stored
  • Every script run is stored under the 'output_videos' folder, this GUI will list all the files in that folder
  • The user can watch the clips, Rewind, Fastforward, and Delete clips at will
  • Deleted clips are permanently deleted from the file system as well

Surveillance Script

  • This script will play stored video clips from different scenarios and apply AI algorithm to identify objects
  • The objects in the clips will be catergorised and tracked showcasing the capabilities of the OpenCV & YOLO framework

sentGmail script

  • When a person is detected, it captures a screenshot
  • Sends an email alert with the screenshot attached
  • It helps to identify house pets i.e cats and dogs
  • It works in low light conditiosn like at night

[Youtube Link]

I have provided a youtube link where I demo the application, you can see the full capabilities and the functions of my application via the link below:

Youtube Link

[Output Images]

Here are the output screenshots from my app:

[Video Playlist GUI] Video_Playlist_GUI

[Object Identification]

Object_Identification -It has successfully identified the dog and the tennis ball in the moving footage

[Intruder Alert] Intruder Alert

  • When an intruder has been detected, the system sends out an alert and the camera will track the movements of the intruder

Size Issue

  • The yolov3.weights is currently over 200MB therefore, you might have an issue trying to download it
  • However, it is very crucial since it contains the pre-trained model for the classifier