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Hazard Creative edited this page Oct 27, 2023 · 10 revisions

Primary Documentation Location

For instructions on how to build and operate the current version of RotorHazard, follow the Documentation link on the lastest-release page.

See the RotorHazard Build Resources page for information on race-timer circuit boards and 3D-printable cases.

This wiki contains some resources that have not yet been merged into the main documentation that may still be of use, but is not necessarily up to date.


Installation and Setup Tool

Paweł Fabiszewski developed a tool that can install or upgrade the server, flash the proper code to the nodes, and even help with network and Raspberry Pi setup tasks. Some wiring is required for node flashing.
Full description and tutorial
Project GitHub Repository

Alternate Installation Script

Aaron Smith has a script which can be added to your SD card immediately after flashing, before inserting in the Pi, which will install RH on first boot.
Install Script Github Repository

Construction, Installation and Basic Usage Tutorial

Dean Fourie covers hardware purchasing, PCB population, and software setup in this very detailed multi-page article. Dean also mantains pre-built SD-card image files for the latest stable and beta releases and makes them available for download.

Marshal Demonstration Video

Klaus Michael Schneider provides a video walkthrough of the Marshal page, explaining post-race recalibration and lap recovery.

AcroBaix Team Video Series:

The AcroBaix Team has produced a series of videos in Spanish covering the timer, calibration, marshaling, and other relevant topics.

ET's RotorHazard Pages

ET maintains information about the RotorHazard project, covering technical details and build notes.

Testing RX5808 utility

An app for Arduino Nano or STM32 Blue Pill board to troubleshoot the RX5808 modules inside your Timer box, especially for testing if the "SPI mod" has been made and the RX5808 module is working.