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Roughly_ edited this page Dec 17, 2022 · 1 revision

The enchantment is triggered when one player hits another, either to death or not.

  • Whenever there's a sound value, reference this
  • Whenever there's an effect value, reference this
  • Whenever there's a particle value, reference this
  • Whenever there's a material value, reference this
  • Whenever there's an entity type (type) value, reference this
Action placeholders:
  • %damage%
  • %victim_name%
  • %damager_name%
  • %victim_x%
  • %damager_x%
  • %victim_y%
  • %damager_y%
  • %victim_z%
  • %damager_z%
  • %victim_yaw%
  • %damager_yaw%
  • %victim_pitch%
  • %damager_pitch%
  • %victim_money%
  • %damager_money%
  • %victim_xp%
  • %damager_xp%
  • %victim_xp_levels%
  • %damager_xp_levels%
  • %victim_health%
  • %damager_health%
  • %victim_max_health%
  • %damager_max_health%
  • %victim_food%
  • %damager_food%
  • %victim_air%
  • %damager_air%
  • %victim_max_air%
  • %damager_max_air%
  • %victim_godmode%
  • %damager_godmode%
  • %victim_pdc_ADDRESS% // only for values assigned by this plugin
  • %damager_pdc_ADDRESS%

Actions (not in any order):
  • 'VICTIM-PDC-SET [address] [value]' - sets a value at a certain victim's PersistentDataContainer address to a new certain string.
  • 'DAMAGER-PDC-SET [address] [value]' - sets a value at a certain damager's PersistentDataContainer address to a new certain string.
  • 'VICTIM-VELOCITY [x] [y] [z]' - applies velocity to the victim in the direction they are looking with a certain force.
  • 'DAMAGER-VELOCITY [x] [y] [z]' - applies velocity to the damager in the direction they are looking with a certain force.
  • 'VICTIM-SOUND [sound]' - plays a sound to the victim.
  • 'DAMAGER-SOUND [sound]' - plays a sound to the damager.
  • 'VICTIM-EFFECT [effect] [effect-duration] [effect-power]' - adds an effect to the victim. Duration's in ticks; 999999 or above equals forever.
  • 'DAMAGER-EFFECT [effect] [effect-duration] [effect-power]' - adds an effect to the damager. Duration's in ticks; 999999 or above equals forever.
  • 'VICTIM-REMOVE-EFFECT [effect]' - removes a certain effect from the victim if is present.
  • 'DAMAGER-REMOVE-EFFECT [effect]' - removes a certain effect from the damager if is present.
  • 'VICTIM-REMOVE-DEBUFFS' - removes all debuffs from the victim if any are present.
  • 'DAMAGER-REMOVE-DEBUFFS' - removes all debuffs effect from the victim if any are present.
  • 'VICTIM-REMOVE-BUFFS' - removes all buffs effect from the victim if any are present.
  • 'DAMAGER-REMOVE-BUFFS' - removes all buffs effect from the victim if any are present.
  • 'VICTIM-BOSSBAR [style] [duration] [text]' - sends a bossbar to the victim for a certain time (in ticks). Styles: SEGMENTED_6; SEGMENTED_10; SEGMENTED_12; SEGMENTED_20; SOLID
  • 'DAMAGER-BOSSBAR [style] [duration] [text]' - sends a bossbar to the damager for a certain time (in ticks). Styles: SEGMENTED_6; SEGMENTED_10; SEGMENTED_12; SEGMENTED_20; SOLID
  • 'VICTIM-SET-HAND [material]' - sets the victim's hand to a new item, specified by the material value.
  • 'DAMAGER-SET-HAND [material]' - sets the damager's hand to a new item, specified by the material value.
  • 'VICTIM-SHUFFLE-HOTBAR' - shuffles the victim's hotbar.
  • 'DAMAGER-SHUFFLE-HOTBAR' - shuffles the damager's hotbar.
  • 'VICTIM-SHUFFLE-INVENTORY' - shuffles the victim's inventory.
  • 'DAMAGER-SHUFFLE-INVENTORY' - shuffles the damager's inventory.
  • 'VICTIM-STRIKE-FAKE-LIGHTNING' - strikes a (fake) lightning on the victim.
  • 'DAMAGER-STRIKE-FAKE-LIGHTNING' - strikes a (fake) lightning on the damager.
  • 'VICTIM-STRIKE-REAL-LIGHTNING' - strikes lightning on the victim.
  • 'DAMAGER-STRIKE-REAL-LIGHTNING' - strikes lightning on the damager.
  • 'VICTIM-PARTICLE [particle]' - spawns particles above the victim's head.
  • 'DAMAGER-PARTICLE [particle]' - spawns particles above the damager's head.
  • 'VICTIM-PARTICLE-BOOTS [particle]' - spawns particles behind the victim's legs.
  • 'DAMAGER-PARTICLE-BOOTS [particle]' - spawns particles behind the damager's legs.
  • 'VICTIM-TELEPORT [x] [y] [z]' - teleports the victim to a certain location in their world.
  • 'DAMAGER-TELEPORT [x] [y] [z]' - teleports the damager to a certain location in their world.
  • 'VICTIM-FORWARD [blocks]' - teleports the victim forward (or backward, if the value is negative).
  • 'DAMAGER-FORWARD [blocks]' - teleports the damager forward (or backward, if the value is negative).
  • 'VICTIM-DIRECTION [yaw] [pitch]' - sets the direction of the victim.
  • 'DAMAGER-DIRECTION [yaw] [pitch]' - sets the direction of the damager.
  • 'VICTIM-WORLD [name]' - moves the victim to another world.
  • 'DAMAGER-WORLD [name]' - moves the damager to another world.
  • 'VICTIM-TELEPORT-BED' - teleports the victim to their bed location.
  • 'DAMAGER-TELEPORT-BED' - teleports the damager to their bed location.
  • 'VICTIM-SET-HEALTH [health]' - sets the victim's health to certain health, or their max health, if the value exceeds it.
  • 'DAMAGER-SET-HEALTH [health]' - sets the damager's health to certain health, or their max health, if the value exceeds it.
  • 'VICTIM-SET-MAX-HEALTH [health]' - sets the victim's max health to a certain one.
  • 'DAMAGER-SET-MAX-HEALTH [health]' - sets the damager's max health to a certain one.
  • 'VICTIM-SET-FIRE [ticks]' - sets the victim on fire for a certain amount of time.
  • 'DAMAGER-SET-FIRE [ticks]' - sets the damager on fire for a certain amount of time.
  • 'VICTIM-SET-FOOD [food]' - sets the victim's food level to a certain one, or their max food level, if the value exceeds it.
  • 'DAMAGER-SET-FOOD [food]' - sets the damager's food level to a certain one, or their max food level, if the value exceeds it.
  • 'VICTIM-SET-OXYGEN [oxygen]' - sets the victim's oxygen level to a certain one, or their max oxygen if the value exceeds it.
  • 'DAMAGER-SET-OXYGEN [oxygen]' - sets the damager's oxygen level to a certain one, or their max oxygen if the value exceeds it.
  • 'VICTIM-SET-EXP [exp]' - sets the victim's exp to a certain one.
  • 'DAMAGER-SET-EXP [exp]' - sets the damager's exp to a certain one.
  • 'VICTIM-SET-LEVEL [exp]' - sets the victim's exp level to a certain one.
  • 'DAMAGER-SET-LEVEL [exp]' - sets the damager's exp level to a certain one.
  • 'VICTIM-SEND-ARROW' - sends an arrow from the victim's body.
  • 'DAMAGER-SEND-ARROW' - sends an arrow from the damager's body.
  • 'VICTIM-SEND-FIREBALL' - sends a fireball from the victim's body.
  • 'DAMAGER-SEND-FIREBALL' - sends a fireball from the damager's body.
  • 'VICTIM-SEND-MESSAGE [message]' - sends a message to the victim.
  • 'DAMAGER-SEND-MESSAGE [message]' - sends a message to the damager.
  • 'VICTIM-SEND-TITLE [message]' - sends a title to the victim.
  • 'DAMAGER-SEND-TITLE [message]' - sends a title to the damager.
  • 'VICTIM-SEND-SUBTITLE [message]' - sends a subtitle to the victim.
  • 'DAMAGER-SEND-SUBTITLE [message]' - sends a subtitle to the damager.
  • 'VICTIM-ACTIONBAR [message]' - sends an actionbar message to the victim.
  • 'DAMAGER-ACTIONBAR [message]' - sends an actionbar message to the damager.
  • 'VICTIM-CHAT [message/command]' - sends a message on behalf of the victim.
  • 'DAMAGER-CHAT [message/command]' - sends a message on behalf of the damager.
  • 'VICTIM-SET-MONEY [money]' - sets the victim's Vault money to a certain amount.
  • 'DAMAGER-SET-MONEY [money]' - sets the damager's Vault money to a certain amount.
  • 'VICTIM-GIVE-HEAD [player name]' - gives the victim a head of a certain player.
  • 'DAMAGER-GIVE-HEAD [player name]' - gives the damager a head of a certain player.
  • 'VICTIM-GIVE-ITEM [material] [quantity]' - gives the victim an item, specified by the material value.
  • 'DAMAGER-GIVE-ITEM [material] [quantity]' - gives the damager an item, specified by the material value.
  • 'VICTIM-STEAL-DAMAGERS-HAND' - makes victim steal damager's hand item.
  • 'DAMAGER-STEAL-VICTIMS-HAND' - makes damager steal victim's hand item.
  • 'VICTIM-DROP-HAND' - makes victim drop their hand item.
  • 'DAMAGER-DROP-HAND' - makes damager drop their hand item.
  • 'VICTIM-DAMAGE-ARMOR [helmet/chestplate/leggings/boots] [damage]' - damages victim's armor.
  • 'DAMAGER-DAMAGE-ARMOR [helmet/chestplate/leggings/boots] [damage]' - damages damager's armor.
  • 'VICTIM-DAMAGE-HAND [damage]' - damages victim's hand item.
  • 'DAMAGER-DAMAGE-HAND [damage]' - damages damager's hand item.
  • 'VICTIM-REPAIR-ARMOR [helmet/chestplate/leggings/boots]' - repairs victim's armor.
  • 'DAMAGER-REPAIR-ARMOR [helmet/chestplate/leggings/boots]' - repairs damager's armor.
  • 'VICTIM-REPAIR-HEAD' - repairs victim's hand item.
  • 'DAMAGER-REPAIR-HEAD' - repairs damager's hand item.
  • 'VICTIM-TIME [ticks]' - sets the time to a certain one for the victim.
  • 'VICTIM-WEATHER [sun/rain/thunder]' - sets the weather to a certain one for the victim.
  • 'DAMAGER-TIME [ticks]' - sets the time to a certain one for the damager.
  • 'DAMAGER-WEATHER [sun/rain/thunder]' - sets the weather to a certain one for the damager.
  • 'VICTIM-TIME-RESET' - resets the victim's time.
  • 'DAMAGER-TIME-RESET' - resets the damager's time.
  • 'VICTIM-WEATHER-RESET' - resets the victim's weather.
  • 'DAMAGER-WEATHER-RESET' - resets the damager's weather.
  • 'VICTIM-GODMODE [ticks]' - sets the victim to godmode for a certain amount of ticks.
  • 'DAMAGER-GODMODE [ticks]' - sets the damager to godmode for a certain amount of ticks.




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