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ThreadPool for C++11



This is a threadpool for C++11.

C++11 comes with support for multithreading, but using it can be difficult. This thread pool provides easy-to-use interfaces for parallelization of C++ programs.

Running parts of the program in parallel is only possible if the computations in these parts are independent.

The trivial case is processing a large array where the computations for each element of the data structure do not depend on each other. A parallel version parallel::for_each() of the standard library algorithm std::for_each() allows the parallelization without caring about threads.

Sometimes the computations may not be so independent. They may be able to execute independently up to a point, but then they may need to store their results in a synchronised way. A parallel version parallel::transform() of the standard library algorithm std::transform() runs tasks from an input iterator in parallel, but writes the results in sequential order to an output iterator.

To run arbitrary free functions, you must create a ThreadPool and run() tasks in it.


Unpack the distribution to a directory on your local machine. You can include the proper header in subdirectory include/threadpool from your program. To make inclusion of the headers easier, it is recommended to add the subdirectory include to the include file search path of the compiler. This is commonly achieved with the option -I/path/to/threadpool/include (assuming that the threadpool distribution has been upacked to directory /path/to/threadpool). Then you can include the thread pool headers through their standard names "threadpool/xxx.h".


In order to use the thread pool, the proper header has to be included. These are:

    #include "/path/to/threadpool/include/threadpool/parallel_for_each.h"
    #include "/path/to/threadpool/include/threadpool/parallel_transform.h"
    #include "/path/to/threadpool/include/threadpool/threadpool.h"
    #include "/path/to/threadpool/include/threadpool/make_iterator.h"

If the threadpool include directory /path/to/threadpool/include has been added to the include file search path of the compiler, e.g. using the compiler option -I/path/to/threadpool/include, this reduces to:

    #include "threadpool/parallel_for_each.h"
    #include "threadpool/parallel_transform.h"
    #include "threadpool/threadpool.h"
    #include "threadpool/make_iterator.h"

The thread pool objects and functions are exported through namespace threadpool with sub-namespace parallel. In the examples here I always use the fully qualified names. They are:

    threadpool::parallel::for_each()  // Parallel version of std::for_each()
    threadpool::parallel::transform() // Parallel version of std::transform()
    threadpool::ThreadPool            // ThreadPool class

The thread pool is pre-configured for header-only use. This means: Just include the proper header and you are done. In order to reduce space overhead and compilation time, a precompiled library can be used. See section Creating a Library.

You may need to link the thread pool against a thread library. For example on Linux systems this would be the library -lpthread. In the compiler / linker command line, -lpthread must come at the end, behind your source and object files and even behind the threadpool library (if you use the threadpool library). If you forget to link against -lpthread, you may get no warning at compilation and link time but the program may crash. So the right compiler command line would be:

g++ -std=c++11 -I/path/to/threadpool/include \
    yourprograms.cpp /path/to/threadpool/lib/libthreadpool.a -lpthread

Parallel for_each()

The C++ standard library contains an algorithm std::for_each(). The threadpool implementation parallel::for_each() uses the same function call interface:

    parallel::for_each(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, Function fun);

The elements to be processed are delimited by the two iterators first (the first element of the range to be processed) and last (the element behind the last element processed). The function fun should accept one parameter, the element to be processed. In C++11, lambda functions can be used.

Example usage:

    // Include header for parallel::for_each()
    #include "threadpool/parallel_for_each.h"
    // Create a vector of ints from 1 to 9
    std::vector<int> v({1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9});
    // Multiply each element of the vector with 3
    threadpool::parallel::for_each(v.begin(), v.end(),
                                   [] (int& e) { e *= 3; });

The funny expression in the last line is the function. C++11's lambda functions are handy for writing terse but readable small functions just at the point of call. If you have not seen them:

  • The brackets [] are the lambda function introducer and the capture clause. Between the brackets you can specify which local variables of the enclosing function shall be visible inside the lambda function.

  • The parentheses (int& e) contain the normal function parameter specification. This function takes an int parameter by reference. Taking parameters by reference is useful if you want to change the element.

  • The braces { e *= 3; } contain the code to be executed. This function multiplies each element of the vector with 3.

In the example the lambda function is executed in parallel for all elements of the vector.

If a whole container shall be processed, parallel::for_each() can be called with a container instead of the two iterators:

    Function threadpool::parallel::for_each(Container cnt, Function fun);

In the example above, we could also have written:

    // Multiply each element of the vector with 3
    threadpool::parallel::for_each(v, [] (int& e) { e *= 3; });

If you have several vectors which you need to process together, you can use the function parallel::for_each() with an integer range and index the vectors directly:

    // Create a vector of ints from 1 to 9
    std::vector<int> vi({1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9});
    // Create a second vector for the results of our computation
    std::vector<int> vo(vi.size());
    // Multiply each element of vi with 3, store the result in vo
    threadpool::parallel::for_each(0, vi.size(),
                        [&vi, &vo] (int i) { vo[i] = vi[i] * 3; });

With the capture clause [&vi, &vo] the two vectors are made visible inside the lambda function. The function now takes an int as parameter, which is incremented by parallel::for_each() from 0 to vi.size()-1, and the lambda function is called with each number in parallel. The lambda function uses this integer parameter as index into the two vectors.

Parallel transform()

The C++ standard library contains an algorithms std::transform(). The threadpool implementation parallel::transform() uses the same function call interface:

    threadpool::parallel::transform(InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
                                    OutputIterator result, UnaryOperation op);

The elements to be processed are delimited by the two iterators first (the first element of the range to be processed) and last (the element behind the last element processed). The function op should accept one parameter, the element to be processed. In C++11, lambda functions can be used. The function should return a result which is written through the output iterator result.

The interesting thing compared to parallel::for_each() is that, while the function op is called concurrently, the results are written to the output iterator result synchronized and in the order in which the elements occurred in the input sequence.

Example usage:

    // Include header for parallel::transform()
    #include "threadpool/parallel_transform.h"
    // Create a vector of ints from 1 to 9 and a list for the results
    std::vector<int> v({1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9});
    std::list<int> l;
    // Multiply each element of the vector with 3, push results into list l
    threadpool::parallel::transform(v.begin(), v.end(),
                                    [] (int& e) -> int { return e * 3; });

For a description of lambda functions see above in the section about parallel::for_each(). The return value of a lambda function is specified between the parentheses with the parameter specification and the body of the function in braces. It is preceded by ->.

In the example, the lambda function is called in parallel for all elements from the input sequence, and the values returned from the function are pushed into the list l in the proper sequence.

If a whole container shall be processed, parallel::transform() can be called with a container instead of the two iterators:

    threadpool::parallel::transform(Container cnt,
                                    OutputIterator result, UnaryOperation op);

In the example above, we could also have written:

    // Multiply each element of the vector with 3, push results into list l
    threadpool::parallel::transform(v, back_inserter(l),
                                    [] (int& e) -> int { return e * 3; });

If you have several vectors which you need to process together, you can use the function parallel::transform() with an integer range and index the vectors directly:

    // Include header for parallel::transform()
    #include "threadpool/parallel_transform.h"
    // Create two vector of ints from 1 to 9 and from 9 to 1
    std::vector<int> v1({1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9});
    std::vector<int> v2({9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1});
    std::list<int> l;
    // Multiply matching elements from v1 and v2, push results into list l
    threadpool::parallel::transform(0, v1.size(),
                                    [&v1, &v2] (int i) -> int {
                                         return v1[i] * v2[i];

With the capture clause [&v1, &v2] the two vectors are made visible inside the lambda function. The function now takes an int as parameter, which is incremented by parallel::transform() from 0 to v1.size()-1, and the lambda function is called with each number in parallel. The lambda function uses this integer parameter as index into the two vectors and returns the result of the multiplication. The results are pushed into the list l in sequence.


The parallel agorithms create a thread pool internally. In order to execute arbitrary functions in parallel, a thread pool must be instantiated:

    // Include header for ThreadPool
    #include "threadpool/threadpool.h"
    // Create a thread pool
    threadpool::ThreadPool pool;
    // Run a function in the thread pool
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)[]{ std::cout << "Hello world!" << std::endl; });
    // Wait for all queued functions to finish and the pool to become empty

Use the ThreadPool's member function run() to queue a task for execution. All tasks queued for execution will run in parallel. If at a later time you need the results, use the ThreadPool's member function wait(). It will wait until all tasks have finished. Later on you may want to run() more tasks in the thread pool.

Note that it is generally a bad idea to modify any objects concurrently from multiple threads, for example to try to append things to a container concurrently. The standard output streams are an exception, the standard does explicitly guarantee that the integrity of the stream objects is preserved. of course the output might be mangled.

Functions to be queued with run() must be callable with no arguments. In the example above, the function had the signature void() and did not return something. What if you need to return a result from the function?

If the function returns a result, run() returns a std::future. The member function get() of the future waits for the function to finish (unless it has already finished) and returns the result. Assuming the thread pool created above does still exist:

    // Run a function returning a result
    auto f =[] () -> std::string { return "Hello world!"; });

    // ... do some other things in parallel to the thread pool.
    // Wait for the function to finish and get the result
    std::string s = f.get();
    std::cout << s << std::endl;

The lambda version returns an std::string object. It is queued using run(). Then the main thread can do some other things. Once it needs the result from the task, it calls the member function get() of the std::future returned by run(). Note that get() will not only return the return value from the function but will also rethrow any exceptions the function might have thrown.

Since it is possible to execute arbitrary functions, it is easy to process elements of an array in parallel like parallel::for_each():

    // Create a vector of ints from 1 to 9
    std::vector<int> v({1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9});
    // Multiply each element of the vector with 3
    for (int &e: v)[&e] { e *= 3; });
    // Wait for all tasks to finish

The capture clause [&e] gives the lambda function access to the element used in the for statement. The element is passed by reference. This is right in this case because the elements of the vector referenced by e will continue to exist until after wait() is called. If wait() would not be called and the function defining the vector v would be left instead, the tasks still running would access invalid memory locations. Because the function is executed asynchronously, it is very important to use the proper capture clause. The following for example would be invalid:

    // Create a vector of ints from 1 to 9
    std::vector<int> v({1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9});

    // Multiply each element of the vector with 3
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i)[&i, &v] { v[i] *= 2; }); // WOULD NOT WORK!!! USES STALE I!!!

In this broken example the loop index i is passed by reference. But when the lambda function is run later on, i will already have been incremented! Still worse, the for loop will have been finished, and the location of the loop index i will not be valid, may even contain something completely different!

To fix the broken example, you have to pass the loop index by value. To do this, just leave away the ampersand & in front of i in the capture clause:

    // Multiply each element of the vector with 3
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i)[i, &v] { v[i] *= 2; }); // Ok, loop index i passed by value

Now the loop index is passed by value, and everything works.

Iterators from functions

Sometimes an algorithm might look useful, but the data are not available in Iterator form. Maybe the values are returned from a function. Maybe it is possible to write a small Lambda function to return the values. Or maybe the output values shall be passed off to the function. In this case you can convert the function to an iterator. The header make_iterator.h contains two functions make_function_input_range() and make_function_output_iterator() that turn functions into iterators.



    threadpool::make_function_input_range(Function fun);

takes a function fun and returns an input iterator <Range>. The type of the range should not specified by the caller, the result of make_function_input_range() should instead be assigned to an auto variable, like here:

    // Include header for make_function_input_range()
    #include "threadpool/make_iterator.h"
    // Create input iterator returning numbers from 1 to 10
    auto it = threadpool::make_function_input_range(
        []() -> int {
            static int u = 1;
            if (u > 10)
                throw std::out_of_range("");
            return u++;

In this example an iterator range is created which returns all the number from 1 to 10. Note that the function must throw an std::out_of_range exception to signal that it has no more values. The result of make_function_input_range() is assigned to the variable it which is declared as auto, so you do not need to care about its true convoluted type. The variable it now has two member functions begin() and end() which can be passed as first and last values to any algorithms from the thread pool or from the standard library:

    std::vector<int> a;

    // Multiply each member by 2 and store in vector a.
    threadpool::parallel::transform(it.begin(), it.end(), back_inserter(a),
                                    [](int i) -> int { return 2 * i; });

Function parallel::tansform() reads values through iterator it.begin(), which as we have seen above returns the integer numbers from 1 to 10 in sequence. The lambda function multiplies all values with 2 (in parallel), and the results are written through the back_inserter to the end of the vector a.

Because the range has member functions begin() and end(), it looks like a container, and we could simply use the container version of parallel::transform():

    std::vector<int> a;
    threadpool::parallel::transform(it, back_inserter(a),
                                    [](int i) -> int { return 2 * i; });

Or the range could be used with the range-based for statement:

    // Write all numbers to standard output
    for (int i: it)
        std::cout << " " << i;

The function passed to make_function_input_range() should be callable with no arguments, and should return one value each time it is called. When it has no more values, it should throw an exception std::out_of_range.



    threadpool::make_function_output_iterator(Function fun);

takes a function fun and returns an output <Iterator>. The type of the iterator should not be specified by the caller, the result of make_function_output_iterator() should instead be assigned to an auto variable, like here:

    // Include header for make_function_output_iterator()
    #include "threadpool/make_iterator.h"

    // Create output iterator writing numbers to standard output
    auto ot = threadpool::make_function_output_iterator(
        [] (int i) {
            std::cout << " " << i;

In this example an output iterator is created which writes all values to the standard output. The output iterator can be used like here:

    std::vector<int> a({1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10});

    // Multiply number by two and write to standard output
    threadpool::parallel::transform(a, ot,
                                    [](int i) -> int { return 2 * i; });

Function parallel::transform() takes all numbers from the input sequence, passes them in parallel to the lambda function which multiplies the number by 2, and passes them in sequence to the output iterator ot, which writes the numbers to the standard output.


If a task running under the thread pool throws an exception, the remaining tasks that have not yet started are flushed and the threads return. The thread pool ends up unusable but destroyable. On the next wait(), or at the time the thread pool is destructed, the exception is re-raised in the thread calling wait() or destroying the thread pool.

If functions returning a result are run(), run() returns an std::future that gives access to the return value of the function. All exceptions from this function are catched by the thread pool and returned through the std::future. See an example in the section about run().



Performance of the thread pool should not be an issue for long-running tasks (longer than 1 ms), since the overhead of the thread dispatcher will be insignificant compared to the work load. For small tasks, it is useful to know the overhead per element. On my Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3820 CPU @ 3.60GHz, I measure the following overhead:

  • parallel::for_each() and parallel::transform() with a lambda function on a vector of 1 million elements: overhead per element < 1 ns.

  • parallel::transform() on a vector of 1 million elements, returning the result through a back_inserter into a list: overhead per element < 1 µs.

  • ThreadPool lambda execution with run(): overhead < 1 µs.

  • ThreadPool lambda execution, result returned via std::future: overhead < 6 µs.

Speed Gain

On compute-bound tasks, on a four-core system (eight hyperthreads) I observe speedups of about a factor of five. If the tasks are memory- or I/O bound, it may not be possible to gain anything, or it may be possible to get a speed advantage by tuning the number of threads instantiated in the thread pool.

The default number of threads used by the thread pool is the number of hardware processors as returned by std::thread:hardware_concurrency(). On compute-bound tasks, this default should work fine. On I/O- bound tasks, it may be useful to use more threads.

With ThreadPool, the number of threads to instantiate is specified as an argument to the constructor. For example

    threadpool::ThreadPool pool(100);

creates a thread pool with hundred threads. Evidently, if this number is larger than the number of hardware processors not all of these 100 threads may be able to execute at every one time. But maybe they can all wait on some I/O.

With the parallel algorithms parallel::for_each() and parallel::transform(), the number of threads can be specified using a template argument. For example

    threadpool::parallel::for_each<100>(v, [] (int& e) { e *= 2; });

multiplies all integer elements of the container v with 2, using 100 threads.

Creating a Library

The thread pool is pre configured for header-only use. This means: Just include the proper header and you are done. In order to reduce space overhead and compilation time, a precompiled library can be used.

To create the library, the two C++ source files threadpool.cpp and threadpool_generic.cpp in directory lib of the distribution must be compiled. Under Linux, just run make. Before compiling, you may want to select the compiler to use: Uncomment to proper CXX= - line in the toplevel Makefile.template. Running make should create a library lib/libthreadpool.a, which has to be linked to the programs.

In order to make the header use the library, you must open the header threadpool/threadpool_config.h with an editor and change the preprocessor symbol THREADPOOL_USE_LIBRARY from 0 to 1. The next time a program is compiled, the library will be used. You can check that the library is used as intended by omitting the library when linking. Linking should fail with missing externals.

Single-threaded Version of the Threadpool API

For use on systems without multithreading support, and for use during debugging, there is a single-threaded version of the thread pool API available. The headers can be found in subdirectory singlethreaded of the main threadpool include directory:

    #include "threadpool/singlethreaded/parallel_for_each.h"
    #include "threadpool/singlethreaded/parallel_transform.h"
    #include "threadpool/singlethreaded/threadpool.h"

The thread pool functions and class of the singlethreaded version are exported through namespace threadpool::singlethreaded with sub-namespace parallel. They are:


Since these names mirror the names of their multithreaded cousins, switching between multithreaded and singlethreaded version can be accomplished using a namespace alias definition, for example like this:

    namespace TP = threadpool;                    // For multithreaded use
    // namespace TP = threadpool::singlethreaded; // For singlethreaded use

    TP::ThreadPool pool;              // Use single-or multithreaded version
    TP::parallel::foreach();          // depending on namespace alias TP


The threadpool has been tested with:

  • GCC 4.7 and 4.8 on Linux
  • Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows Desktop with November 2013 CTP
  • Intel C++ 14.0.2 on Linux


Copyright (c) 2014 Ruediger Helsch; All rights reserved

Use this software however you want. No warranty whatsoever.


C++11 thread pool






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