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Fast, efficient sequence adding to existing alignments, a somewhat optimized implementation of WITCH, and a more accurate version of HMMER's hmmbuild paired with hmmalign when the sequences are evolutionary diverse.

Use cases

  • Instead of hmmbuild+hmmalign, the witch-ng add subcommand can add sequences to an existing alignment. When the sequences are quite diverse, the output alignment is likely more accurate.
  • For de novo sequence alignment with diverse input lengths (e.g., some sequences ~500NT in length and others ~1500NT), witch-ng can scalably align sequences. The output alignment should match or surpass the accuracy of mafft or MAGUS, particularly with sequences that are evolutionarily distant from each other. This was the setting studied, but please use WITCH first to produce the "backbone" and "queries" (see below).

Quick start


  • HMMER (in particular hmmbuild, hmmsearch, hmmalign) must be installed. The easiest way might be through package managers. v3.1b2 or newer versions of HMMER should all work.

If you can run hmmsearch -h, hmmalign -h, and hmmbuild -h from the command line, you should be good to go.

Input files

  • WITCH-NG is a replacement for hmmbuild paired with hmmalign, but can also be used to align sequences from scratch. Same as hmmbuild+hmmalign, one must have a reference alignment ("backbone") and a set of query unaligned sequences ("queries") ready. The goal is to "add" the query sequences to the backbone alignment.
  • WITCH-NG, in addition to requiring the backbone MSA and the query sequences, requires a tree to be inferred on the backbone alignment. This "backbone tree" can be inferred either through FastTree or RAxML. The tree must be in the Newick format, and must be single-line

The rest of this README assumes the following files have been prepared and ready:

  • queries.fa: the path to the query sequences (in unaligned FASTA format)
  • backbone.afa: the path to the backbone alignment (aligned FASTA)
  • backbone.tre: the path to the backbone tree (single-line Newick tree inferred on backbone.afa)

We also provide an example version of the above files for the sake of trying WITCH-NG out. To download the example files:

# for example files
git clone witch-ng-examples && cd witch-ng-examples

# one can also download them manually at

Downloading WITCH-NG

Prebuilt executables for this software, WITCH-NG, can be found in the releases section. If you prefer to compile the software from scratch, see this section. A subset of the provided executables can be found here:

Binary Download Operating System
witch-ng-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz Linux (x86_64)
witch-ng-aarch64-apple-darwin.tar.gz macOS (Apple Silicon)
witch-ng-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.gz macOS (x86_64)

For example, if you are on a Linux x86_64 machine, you can install WITCH-NG with the following command:

curl -L | tar -xz
./witch-ng --help

After checking that the executable witch-ng is installed under the current directory, the following command can be run

./witch-ng add -i queries.fa -b backbone.afa -t backbone.tre -o extended_alignment.afa
# using the example files, this command took less than 4 minute on my laptop

The on-screen logs from WITCH-NG will be something like this, with the output file extended_alignment.afa:

2023-01-25T02:59:28.499149Z  INFO witch_ng::melt: decomposed input tree num_subsets=275
2023-01-25T02:59:31.284642Z  INFO witch_ng::score_calc: read 13950 query sequences
2023-01-25T03:02:36.910727Z  INFO witch_ng::combined: all-against-all hmmsearch (with adjusted bitscore calculation) took 185.626686208s
2023-01-25T03:02:43.067799Z  INFO witch_ng::adder: output homologies formatted, output alignment will have 874 columns
2023-01-25T03:02:43.125048Z  INFO witch_ng: total elapsed time: 194.624788166s

The output extended_alignment.afa contains an aligned version of all sequences. We adopt the UPP convention of extended alignments, in which lower-case letters denote singleton insertion sites (i.e., anything lower-case is not homologous to anything). Future work will allow automatic masking of the singleton insertion sites.

Options for witch-ng add

--threads <THREADS>

Set level of "worker" parallelism; WITCH-NG by default uses all logical cores.


Change parallelization strategy. Let $t$ be the number of threads specified by --threads. Let $k$ be $2$ if --io-bound else $1$. In the hmmsearch phase, the parallelization strategy uses $t$ workers, each worker using $k$ threads. In other phases, the strategy uses $t$ workers.


Checkpoint the intermediate hmmsearch results to disk, loading a prior checkpoint file if exists. The checkpoint file is currently fixed to the output filename with extension replaced as .checkpoint. Algorithm parameters should be the same when loading a checkpoint file.


Report progress roughly once per ten seconds for the hmmsearch step. Future work will allow progress reporting also for the hmmalign step.


Set the lower bound of the HMM size (number of sequences). The default is 10. Increasing this parameter allows faster execution (e.g., 25). Note that WITCH-NG will have unexpected results if loading a checkpoint file with a different --hmm-size-lb value, so when checkpointing, it is recommended to use the same --hmm-size-lb value. This lower bound does not apply to the top-level HMM; at least one HMM will be in the ensemble.

Output Format

WITCH-NG outputs an extended alignment in FASTA format, but the lower-case letters are singleton insertion letters. In other words, if any lower case letter is on the same column as another letter, these two letters are not homologous. This carries almost the same meaning as lower case letters in UPP and hmmalign's style of output. We adopt this convention for more compact output.

As a quirk compared to UPP, WITCH-NG pushes flanking singleton insertions to the front and back of the MSA. This only has a cosmetic effect on the output alignment.

For phylogeny inference, these lower case letters should be masked because they will confuse the likes of RAxML or FastTree (future work will allow automatic masking on the output similar to UPP and WITCH). On a Linux machine ogcat can help this masking for now:

curl -L | tar -xz
# mask all columns that does not contain an informative homology
# an informative homology is defined as a pair of upper-case non-ambiguous letters
./ogcat mask extended_alignment.afa -o extended_alignment.masked.afa

# extended_alignment.masked.afa can be used for FastTree, RAxML, etc.

Other Tips

WITCH-NG uses tracing to log events. To have more verbose logging, set the RUST_LOG environment variable to debug, such as:

RUST_LOG=debug ./witch-ng [...]

Please make sure that the input sequences all contain upper-case letters (ambiguous letter such as N for nucleotides or X for amino acids are allowed).

Building WITCH-NG from Scratch

WITCH-NG is written in Rust. Install the Rust toolchain and then compile the binary should build the standalone binary:

cargo build --release


  • This project obvious reuses stuff from WITCH.
  • This project uses ogcat, which in turn translates code from TreeSwift.


If you use our software, please cite the following paper:

  title={{WITCH}-{NG}: efficient and accurate alignment of datasets with sequence length heterogeneity},
  author={Liu, Baqiao and Warnow, Tandy},
  journal={Bioinformatics Advances},
  publisher={Oxford University Press}

Please also consider citing WITCH, as it is the predecessor of WITCH-NG and has more features.


WITCH-NG is available under the GPLv3 LICENSE.


Portions of this code were developed with the assistance of AI tools, such as GitHub Copilot. This is as of 2023, a standard practice to ensure efficient and effective software development.