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Quick reference

Ruslan Balanukhin edited this page Nov 6, 2013 · 1 revision

The DroneClient class reference:

Event handlers

NavigationPacketAcquired - fires when raw navigation being acquired from drone, that's gives ability to extract any information which available in original SDK.
NavigationDataAcquired - fires when raw navigation data being successfully parsed to NavigationData class which contains only essential details extracted from a navigation packet.
VideoPacketAcquired - fires when raw video frame (encoded) being acquired.


GetConfigurationTask - returns a tack thick can be executed asynchronously to acquire settings from the drone.
Send - allows to send command or settings to drone.
AckControlAndWaitForConfirmation - used for acknowledge multi-configuration mode commands.

Emergency / ResetEmergency / Land / Takeoff - for requesting drone state change, this state request will be processed after next navigation data package will be successfully parsed.

FlatTrim - for recalibrate drone "meaning" of flat surface - it is a helper method*.
Progress / ProgressWithMagneto - control drone movement while flying - it is a helper method*.
Hover - stops drone movement , by sending all zeros progress command - it is a helper method*.

Stop / Start - starting and stoping internal background worker - watchdog loop.

* for all helpers as you can do the same action by sending appropriate command using Send method, however, these methods are doing protective state and parameters checks.


IsActive / IsAlive - indicates that client internal background worker is working. IsConnected - when true means that client acquiring navigation data (will be set to false in case we missing data for 2 seconds).

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