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The backend for a service that works with films and user ratings, and also returns the top 5 films recommended for viewing

There are too many films and their number is increasing every day! This application can help everyone make the good choise to watch a movie based on user likes. Difficult choice.gif

This application provides:

  1. Ability to store basic information about users and movies;
  2. Ability to interactions between users:
    • adding/deleting to/from friend list;
    • getting a list with all the user's friends;
    • getting a list with all mutual friends between two users.
  3. Ability to work with information about films within the application:
    • adding/removing/updating a film information in the database;
    • getting a list with all saved movies;
    • adding/removing a like to/from a movie;
    • getting a list of the most popular films of a given size.
  4. Information about the directors:
    • display of all films of the director, sorted by the number of likes;
    • display of all films of the director, sorted by year;
    • display a list of all directors;
    • getting director by id;
    • creating data about the director;
    • changing information about the director.
  5. Working with user reviews:
    • adding a new review;
    • editing an existing review;
    • deleting an existing review;
    • receiving feedback by identifier;
    • receiving all reviews by movie id (if not specified, then all). If the quantity is not specified, then 10;
    • the ability to like/dislike a review.
  6. Added the ability to view the latest events on the platform - adding as a friend, deleting from friends, likes and reviews left by the user’s friends.
  7. A simple recommendation system for movies has been implemented (based on movie likes/ratings).
  8. Implemented the display of movies shared with a friend, sorted by their popularity.
  9. The ability to display the top N films by the number of likes with filtering according to two parameters has been implemented:
    • by genre;
    • for the specified year.
  10. Implemented a search by movie title and director by substring.

The application is based on the Spring Boot framework v. 2.7.9;

Build system - Apache Maven;

Database - h2;

Accessing the database and mapping entities - spring-boot-starter-data-jdbc;

Testing - JUnit;

Instructions for running the application locally:

  1. Required software
  1. Launch terminal/command line/PowerShell, execute the commands one by one, waiting for each one to complete:
cd {целевая директория для загрузки проекта}

git clone

mvn package

cd target

java -jar filmorate-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

  1. Once launched, the application will accept http requests according to the API definition (see below) on port 8080 (http://localhost:8080/).
  2. To run a test script, you can use the test collection (see below).

API description (OpenAPI):


to view you need to copy and open the content in Swagger editor

Postman Test Collection:


import a collection by copying the contents into the field as Raw text

The database of the program has an ER-diagram (created with


The following people took part in the development of the application:

  • SergeevViktor
  • Sergeyvot
  • DenchicK-64
  • Rass00032

This application made with Java. Code example:

public class Filmorate {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Let's start liking films!");
