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For a set of letters, find all possible Words - Created for MOU

Welcome to SD Projects

I use the editor on GitHub to maintain and preview the content for your website in Markdown files. Whenever I commit to this repository, GitHub Pages will run Jekyll to rebuild the pages in your site, from the content in your Markdown files.


  1. CPP complier g++. Get from HERE
  2. Python Interpreter version 3.7. Get from HERE
  3. Install the enchant Python PyPi Package. Get from HERE
# Letters2Words
# Sumit Das
# Created 2019 04 06

1. Run the 3-RunMe.cmd with the letters as arguments
2. Your possible words would be displayed rightaway
3. Additinally 2 more files like WORDS.exe and WORD.TXT are created.

- ** Remove g++ compile step after first run ** 
- ** ONLY remove/comment this line from 3-RunMe.cmd file 
     AFTER you have 1 SUCCESSFUL run of 3-RunMe.cmd **
REM Complie your CPP program
REM You can remove this once the WORDS.exe file is created
g++ 1-MakeWordList4mLetters.cpp -o WORDS.exe
  • Above should be changed TO Below :
REM Complie your CPP program
REM You can remove this once the WORDS.exe file is created
REM g++ 1-MakeWordList4mLetters.cpp -o WORDS.exe

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For more details see GitHub Flavored Markdown.