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RyuuKitsune edited this page Jul 7, 2015 · 20 revisions

Main Window



  • File
    • Record
      Save and load records.
      Generally, records will be automatically saved, but you can manually confirm here.
    • Layout
      Preform actions related to your window layout.
      • Load
        Reloads your window layout from the currently set file. This will discard your current layout.
      • Save
        Saves your current layout to a file
      • Open from another file
        Loads a layout from an outside file. Any new changes will be saved to this file.
    • Settings
      Opens the settings window.
    • Quit
      Exits the program.
  • View
    Shows individual windows.
    For more details, see the page for each window.
  • Tools
    • Equipment List
      Shows a list of your currently owned equipment.
      Each equipment will show its current spare count and what ships it may be equipped to.
    • Ship Encyclopedia
      Opens the Ship Encyclopedia.
    • Equipment Encyclopedia
      Opens the Equipment Encyclopedia.
  • Debug
    • Debugging functions are currently not supported in the English translation. For more information, please see the original page.
  • Help
    • Online Help
      Opens this wiki.
    • Version Info
      Shows version information.
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