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Releases: Ryuzaki-MrL/OldSNES

Update for Snes9x v1.00

11 Feb 18:29
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No need to download if you already have it. Just replace "snes9x_3ds.elf" from the "tools" folder with the one on this release and run "update_snes9x.bat" to update your CIAs.

Update for Snes9x v0.80

21 Jan 00:22
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Update snes9x; use blargSnes RTS fork

Goodbye Python

07 Jul 04:04
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  • (No changes)

blargVC tools:

  • Executable version of autobanner (made with py2exe) so users don't need to have python installed anymore.
  • Other minor improvements.

Looks like it wasn't The End after all...

28 Jun 00:53
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  • Individual config files for each cia (stored at SD:/snes/)

blargVC tools:

  • Fix icon scaling. This whole time icons were generated incorrectly, sorry...
  • The banner creation process is now 100% automatic, thanks to a python script made by Rohul1997 (
  • Updater now updates icon. This is mainly intended to fix the icon issue stated above.
  • Scripts now keep cmd window as clean as possible (for example, update.bat will only print the current CIA file being updated, and how many CIAs were updated so far).

The End?

18 Jun 10:49
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  • (No changes)

blargVC tools:

  • Fix default description (aka long title) value.
  • Fix problems with titles containing special characters (e.g.: Mario & Wario).
  • No longer delete output folder upon building CIA.
  • You can now set the banner text's word spacing on banner.bat.
  • Add quick update mode to update blargSnes only, without any prompts or pausing.
  • Add JPG/JPEG support for banner and icon.

Yet another update for blargVC tools

13 Jun 21:34
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This release was updated to include the missing config folder containing the config templates.


  • (No Changes)

blargVC tools:

  • Use banner.png for the icon, if there's no icon.png.
  • JPG support for label image.
  • Add option to type game's description (aka long title) (optional)
  • Unique Id range is now from 00000 to FFFFF.
  • No need for typing banner's region on banner.bat anymore.
  • Banner.bat will wait until you are done with Ohana3DS, and then export banner.bin to the game's folder in output folder (this means you can now make banners for all games prior to running make.bat).

Icon stuff

12 Jun 02:46
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  • (No changes)

blargVC tools:

  • Icon is now made by make.bat.
  • Sanity check added for icon.
  • Fixed small issue with banner.bat.

Updated tools

11 Jun 21:34
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This release was updated to include ctrtool.exe. Sorry for the inconvenience.


  • (No changes)

blargVC tools:

  • Fixed cartridge label rotation.
  • Individual folders for each game, so you don't have to keep swaping banner/label/rom.
  • Separate game title from virtual console title (the title shown on the banner).
  • Search for .sfc rom if .smc is not found.
  • Updater now asks if you want to update files on romfs.
  • Sanity checks placed everywhere.

Custom borders and config, reset, and CIA updater

11 Jun 00:39
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I had to fix a bug with the updater, so please redownload this release.


  • Custom borders fixed.
  • Load custom border from romfs (load from sd card if not found).
  • Added Hardware Mode 7 filtering to config file.
  • Load config file from romfs (load from sd card if not found).
  • Added reset option (press SELECT while game is paused).

blargVC tools:

  • Added updater, so you can update your CIAs to latest blargSnes without having to build them again.

Updated release

09 Jun 05:10
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All releases from now on will use the blargSnes build without bottom screen output.

What's new:

  • Switched to github releases.
  • You can now input font size, spacing and number of lines for the banner's text when making a custom banner.
    • Leave it blank to use default values.
  • Banner text is as most accurate as possible, even if using default values.
  • make.bat will now halt if rom.smc is not present on the romfs folder.
  • banner.bat will now throw a warning if banner.png and label.png are not provided.