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Questions and Answers

samu edited this page Aug 1, 2017 · 6 revisions

My Osd was blinking with a big text message saying WARNING: MEMORY INVALID and LOADING DEFAULT CONFIG

Normally this is only shown the first time the OSD is beeing booted after an update where I changed something in the Storage-table. Also this can be showed when the OSD was powered down unexpected while storing new values (while exiting the menu).
Please take a look at your settings in the menu. They could be lost.
If you see this message even when there was no power problem or you didn't update, please open an issue here.

Suddenly the OSD stopped working and after landing the Status-LED is blinking fast

This means that either my code stopped working or that there is an hardware fault (ex: Voltage drops). If you're experiencing this issue frequently, open an issue here please.

My OSD is flickering very fast

This means that the OSD is currently running in PAL-Mode,but the Videosignal from the Camera is in NTSC. Just powercycle the OSD one time and it should detect the changed videomode

My OSD displays nothing at all

There are several reasons for this:

  • Check if the Power LED is on (blue on the micro minim OSD) if not check your wiring and 5V supply
  • Did you flashed my program code? If the OSD never worked, reflash my programm code and also don't forget to flash the font as described in the Wiki.
  • A possible solution is also that your OSD is running in NTSC mode and the camera is feeding PAL to the OSD. Powercycle the OSD and it should be gone.
  • Perhaps your OSD is dead (I had one which died from one sec to another while being powered up on my desk).

If you have other questions, just ask it in the facebook group or here