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0.14.0 Breaking Changes and Features

Mike O'Donnell edited this page Mar 4, 2020 · 11 revisions

Breaking Changes


  • New module and new LinkComponent
  • Example of usage:
<a [routerLink]="'link'" fd-link>Link</a>


  • New structure of tab component
  • Added 3 new modes for tab component process, filter, icon-only, which can be enabled by passing [mode]="name of mode into fd-tab-list or fd-tab-nav.
  • All of these new modes have compact mode, which can be enabled by passing [compact]="true"
  • New directives, such as fd-tab-icon, fd-tab-tag, fd-tab-label, fd-tab-process, fd-tab-header, fd-tab-counter-header, fd-tab-process-icon, fd-tab-separator, fd-tab-overflow, fd-tab-overflow-popover. Some of them can be used only in specified modes. It's well shown on documentation with examples


  • New structure of Toggle component
  • Add [noText] input: The default value is set to true, if you would like to add the On and Off text set it to false
  • Add [dir] input: For rtl support: set to 'right' to add rlt
  • Add [semantic] input For the red and green color options add true for this input
  • Removed [size] input


  • New Tokenizer component
  • Add compact, readOnly, and selected token options
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