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0.25.0 Breaking Changes

Inna Atanasova edited this page Dec 15, 2020 · 7 revisions

Remove fd-form-select from Form Control #3895

fd-form-select has been removed. For select form control the Select component should be used.

Dialog #3902

Remove fd-dialog-title, fd-title should be used

Message Form #4009

Remove [compact] input

Remove deprecated File Input #4067

Remove badge as a standalone component #4068

Dialog #4108

removed DIALOG_CONFIG and DIALOG_REF and made DialogConfig and DialogRef classes injectable


    @Inject(DIALOG_CONFIG) public dialogConfig: DialogConfig,
    @Inject(DIALOG_REF) private _dialogRef: DialogRef


    public dialogConfig: DialogConfig,
    private _dialogRef: DialogRef
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