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Homology modeling


I-TASSER (Iterative Threading ASSEmbly Refinement) is a program for protein homology modeling and functional prediction from a protein sequence. The I-TASSER suite provides numerous other tools such as for ligand-binding site predictions, model refinement, secondary structure predictions, B-factor estimations, and more. ssbio mainly provides tools to run and parse I-TASSER homology modeling results, as well as COACH consensus binding site predictions (optionally with EC number and GO term predictions). Also, scripts are provided to automate homology modeling on a large scale using TORQUE or Slurm job schedulers in a cluster computing environment.

Installation instructions


These instructions were created on an Ubuntu 17.04 system.


Read the README on the I-TASSER Suite page for the most up-to-date instructions

  1. Make sure you have Java installed and it can be run from the command line with java

  2. Head to the I-TASSER download page and register for an license (academic only) to get a password emailed to you

  3. Log in to the I-TASSER download page and download the archive

  4. Unpack the software archive into a convenient directory - a library should also be downloaded to this directory

  5. Run to then download the library files - this will take some time:

    /path/to/<I-TASSER_directory>/ -libdir ITLIB
  6. Now, I-TASSER can be run according to the README under section 4

  7. To enable GO term predictions...

    1. under construction...
  8. Tip: to update template libraries, create a new command in your crontab (first run crontab -e), and make sure to replace <USERNAME> with your username:

    0 4 * * 1,5 <USERNAME> /path/to/I-TASSER4.4/ -libdir /path/to/ITLIB

    That will run the library update at 4 am every Monday and Friday.

Program execution

In the shell

To run the program on its own in the shell...


With ssbio

To run the program using the ssbio Python wrapper, see: :func:``


  • What is a homology model?

    • A predicted 3D structure model of a protein sequence. Models can be template-based, when they are based on an existing experimental structure; or ab initio, generated without a template. Generally, ab initio models are much less reliable.
  • Can I just run I-TASSER using their web server and parse those results with ssbio?

    • Not yet, but you can manually input the model1.pdb file as a new structure for now.
  • How do I cite I-TASSER?

    • Roy A, Kucukural A & Zhang Y (2010) I-TASSER: a unified platform for automated protein structure and function prediction. Nat. Protoc. 5: 725–738 Available at:
  • How do I run I-TASSER with TORQUE or Slurm job schedulers?

    • under construction...
  • I'm having issues running I-TASSER...

    • See the ssbio wiki for (hopefully) some solutions - or add yours in when you find the answer!


.. automodule:: ssbio.protein.structure.homology.itasser.itasserprep

.. automodule:: ssbio.protein.structure.homology.itasser.itasserprop