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Feature Requests and Comments

josemvidal edited this page Oct 20, 2014 · 1 revision

From Dr. McCants

Also I was wondering about a couple of things. I have found out that the time for the date is off by three hours so when I set the date for the students to do the evaluations the cut off is 9pm eastern time. Could that be corrected if it is not too much trouble?

I had students do an evaluation and they reported this. Is there a way to open the evaluation back up or make it available again to the students after the date is past? Perhaps for the instance when a student for whatever reason, emergency, sickness ect. could not do it on the date due, than I could re-open for them to do their evaluation.

One more thing I noticed. Is it absolutely necessary for me to have to put in the students email address when creating their account? This takes a tremendous amount of time as I have to get/copy their email from the site roll and paste or type it in for each student and I have 118 students. Would it be possible to just create their account using their name and have them put in their email address when they register?

I have created accounts for my second semester senior design course (33 students) and had them try to do their evaluations and most were successful with exception to a few. I think the program is great and appreciate all of the hard work the team put into it.

Will it be possible to preserve the evaluations I already had them do? If not I understand. I look forward to hearing from you.

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