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James Weekly Progress Report

JamesEverette edited this page Apr 7, 2017 · 25 revisions

7 March 2017

Email functionality added. Added location to search screen. Squashed bugs. Uploaded RC1.

31 March 2017

Worked to enable emailing between users of a group.

24 March 2017


17 March 2017

Built a navigation drawer and then resolved errors I created. Logout button added.

10 March 2017

Looking into adding nav drawer.

3 March 2017

Worked on managing auth tokens. Adding logout functionality. Added auto-login on account creation.

24 February 2017

Working on more firebase functionality. Trying to structure database to associate users with groups.

17 February 2017

This week I worked on firebase functionality. I was able add a running count of users to the database, and store each user in the database uniquely.

10 February 2017


3 February 2017

We met with Vidal and begin working on unit and behavioral tests. I worked with Shivangi on building the method and class for the unit testing.

January 2017

New semester. Nothing yet.

December 2016

Demo Presentation. Exams. Christmas.

30 November 2016

Database functionality has been implemented. Users can create groups, and all the information is written to the firebase database. Other users are able to join the group, and are added to the database.

23 November 2016

Authentication is almost ready to go. Users can create accounts with email. We are going to work on code for the real time database next.

16 November 2016

Working on the database functionalities of firebase. We are going to use this to link users into study groups.

9 November 2016

I've been working on authentication for our app. Have created a login screen and added firebase to the project. Building methods for user creation and logging in.

2 November 2016

I've made progress integrating firebase into apps. Most of my work has been figuring out authentication, user creation, logging in, etc. Now I'm looking into the database feature for groups.

26 October 2016

I've been doing much more experimenting with Android Studio and GitHub. I've been building my own prototype version of the app and began pushing them to my individual GitHub. Our milestone deals with pushing and pulling code to and from GitHub, so that was easy to take care of for the week.

19 October 2016

This week was a long week. I did lots of experimenting in Android Studio to find out how classes and methods are created. We created general events for every screen that the user will encounter in our app. We then populated the pages with required buttons, text boxes, search boxes, etc. to get a good idea of what methods we would be implementing. We created a document based off of the Flyweight Design approach.

12 October 2016

This week we met with Professor Vidal to discuss our goals in creating this app. We outlined features we would like to implement by May. In github, we also outlined which of those objectives will be accomplished by December.

5 October 2016


28 September 2016

This week we worked on detailed design. The wireframe tool we used was justinmind. I updated the wiki Home and uploaded detailed design pictures to the Design wiki. Professor Vidal gave us several new ideas in our meeting on Tuesday morning. I've been doing a little experimenting with Android Studio, and now I'm looking into Firebase.

21 September 2016

In this second week, our team worked on app design. I sketched some ideas for the Sports Meetup app that tried to follow Google's Material Design principles. The decision was made to take the app in a new direction. The app will now be a meetup app with similar functionality, but for students who are trying to find study groups. This week I uploaded our rough designs and, consequently, got a little more familiar with GitHub.

14 September 2016

This is the beginning of my weekly progress reports concerning the SportsMeetup app. I met with the group this morning to get the project started. We're discussing the design of the app and personas.