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Shivangi Weekly Progress Report

patshiv edited this page Apr 14, 2017 · 20 revisions

April 13, 2017

Found a few bugs on the other persons capstone with Susana.

March 24, 2017

Added more classes and tried to figure out how to type class search in one line instead of it adding multiple lines.

March 23,2017

Worked with Susana to create website for the app.

February 25, 2017

Worked with Susana to create a notification for the user when the user clicks create group.

February 17,2017

Added more classes to the search list.

February 3, 2017

Figured out how to implement unit testing by creating another method for recognizing the email.

February 2, 2017

Tried to work on the behavioral testing and find different way to do unit testing.

January 26, 2017

Discussed what was needed for the next milestone and what else we need to accomplish.

###December 5, 2016

Created the push notification that actually sends a message from firebase.Did part of gcm cause not enough content to get it to fully work.

November 23, 2016

Created push notification on Android Studio and committed to GitHub.

November 10, 2016

Changed the title of one of the screens to Gamecock Study, committed to Andorid Studio.

October 26, 2016

Figured out how to fork from github and committed to Android Studio using Github desktop and fixed the requirements

October 19, 2016.

We worked on Google Docs to figure out what methods and classes we need to make for each page of the app. We looked at the details of each page and accustomed the methods needed for the details.

October 15, 2016.

Fall Break

October 5, 2016.

We were on break for the weather.

September 29, 2016.

We sat down and wrote an outline of everything we want to do for the app. We also edited noted what changes we need to make. We made an outline for each page/section and determined thoroughly what each page would need and what we need to add to it.

September 26, 2016.

We used to get an idea of what the app could possibly look like and what we want it to do. We created a basic screen for each process or selection the user chooses. We found the color scheme we wanted and what buttons we would use to do what. We still need to get an idea of all the selections in just in mind, but for the most part we got what we wanted it to look like and uploaded it to wiki.

September 15, 2016.

We decided to change the whole app into a study app were students can create study group at USC for their specific classes. We sat down and made plans of what our app would look like and what else it would possibly need.

September 13 2016

Today our group met with Professor Vidal and we discussed the requirements and a few ideas on how to get started. We also discussed how we have to utilize the cloud, which could be done by using firebase. We also talked about how to design the app by using other apps as a reference to guide us.

September 19, 2016.

Changed my person to third persona and make it more relatable to the app.