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File metadata and controls

76 lines (52 loc) · 2.61 KB



Authentication is handled via an authorization token set in an HTTP header. To request an API token, go to /app/#/profile/developer and click 'Get a New API Key'.

Every request must include an 'Authorization' HTTP header made up of your username (email) and your API key, separated with a ':'. The string must be base 64 encoded per the Basic Auth requirement.

Using Python, use the requests and base 64 library:

import requests
import base64

auth_string = base64.urlsafe_b64encode('{}:{}'.format(user_email, api_key)
auth_string = 'Basic {}'.format(auth_string)
header = {
    'Authorization': auth_string,

>>> header
>>> {'Authorization': 'Basic dXNlckBzZWVkLXBsYXRmb3JtLm9yZzpiNThmMTJjMzU4NjA2MTYzYzdmZjFlNTUxMjJjNzUxN2ZkMzJhZjRi'}

result = requests.get('', headers=header)
print result.json()

Using curl, pass the header information in the request (use base64 result from above):

curl -H Authorization:"Basic bmljaG9sYXMubG9uZ0BucmVsLmdvdjpiNThmMTJjMzU4NjA2MTYzYzdmZjFlNTUxMjJjNzUxN2ZkMzJhZjRi"

If authentication fails, the response's status code will be 302, redirecting the user to /app/login.


Many requests require a JSON-encoded payload and parameters in the query string of the url. A frequent requirement is including the organization_id of the org you belong to. For example:

curl -H <auth-header>

Or in a JSON payload:

curl -H <auth-header> \
  -d '{"organization_id":6, "role": "viewer"}' \

Using Python:

params = {'organization_id': 6, 'role': 'viewer'}
result ='',
print result.json()


Responses from all requests will be JSON-encoded objects, as specified in each endpoint's documentation. In the case of an error, most endpoints will return this instead of the expected payload (or an HTTP status code):

    "status": "error",
    "message": "explanation of the error here"

API Endpoints

A list of interactive endpoints are available by accessing the API menu item on the left navigation pane within you account on your SEED instance.

To view a list of non-interactive endpoints without an account, view swagger on the development server.