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@jfgilliam jfgilliam released this 29 Dec 17:01
· 68 commits to master since this release

Please refer to for detailed information on how to download, configure and use this software.

I am now only providing a "signed" Server exe. If you get a warning that it is unsafe and you downloaded the file from, then you can ignore that message, click on more info and run it anyway. Being signed will prevent anyone from tampering with it and viruses from attaching to it. If you have any problems with the signed version,

For all release changes see

Changes in this release 1.12_Build_BETA-2019.12.29

  1. Updated the Merge Point (Blue Cone) on all tracks.
    If you think the location of the blue cone is wrong, report it.
    You can also help get the correct location by going to
    this link for instructions.

  2. Implemented new content from iRacing's Dec 2019 build.
    - Lernerville Speedway
    - Lime Rock
    - Supercars Ford Mustang GT
    - Supercars Holden ZB Commodore
    - Fast Repairs Available now on the Pit Commander
    - There is now a drive through penalty in some series when you exceed the x17 incident limit.
    But, the telemetry is still reporting the DQ limit, which will be higher.

  3. Fixed Track Map for Nurbugring Tourist layout.
    Changed the definition of the finish line to be at 100%, not 0%.


  1. Fixed #211 - MergePoint API not working.
    Added a blue dot to the Trackmap to indicate where the merge point is for the REFERENCE car.
    Implemented new API calls for version 1.12
    - Car/(CARIDENTIFIER)/MergePointLatitude
    - Car/(CARIDENTIFIER)/MergePointLongitude
    NOTE: I will be evaluating the location of all the merge points to match the blue cone in iRacing.
    For now, they may be wrong or even non existent.

  2. Added new name for Charlotte 2019 ROVAL configuration that came out in iRacing's Oct 2019 patch.

  3. Updated Electron from version 4.0.0 to 6.0.12.