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SLAC Sites script

Vincent Flesouras edited this page Feb 10, 2016 · 1 revision

Using this script assumes you've gone through the steps in Initial Steps or, you already have the necessary command line tools and an updated python. If you incur errors while running it, please revisit those steps and run the bootstrap script

To utilize the script, open a terminal.

enter: python

When the process completes, you'll receive: exit command 0

###Note If you want your site's directory to reside in a folder other than /var/www You will need to change the variable in mycfg.yml on line 12:

LOCAL_PATH: "/var/www/" Leave the trailing slash

Note, OS-X El Capitan has implemented SIP a BSD like security scheme. It does many things to secure your mac - the one we're concerned with right now is the inability for any user to write to these folders

  • /System
  • /bin
  • /usr
  • /sbin

You can decide to host your slac-drupal sites anywhere but there.

Once you've cloned the sites, you'll need to install them. Included in the slac-features codebase is a folder called 'rebuild' yoursitespath/slac-features/rebuild. By using the terminal and issuing a command you can rebuild the slac-sites.

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