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Initial Steps

Vincent Flesouras edited this page Feb 10, 2016 · 1 revision

##Usage The current form is implemented via a BASH bootstrap script. We're kicking around ideas of implementing a standard Mac Package (.pkg) but time constraints inhibit that.

To get started, all that is required is a terminal and access to the Mac App store.

Attempts to get our management platform to install the pre-requisite OS-X X-Code package has as of yet been unsuccessful. Therefore, x-code and the accompanying command line tools will need to be installed by you, the user.

##Terminal Application The Terminal application or console gives us access to the Unix command line, or shell. We call the command line the shell because it is the outer layer of the operating system’s internal mechanisms (which we call the kernel).

Find the Mac OS X Terminal application by using the Command-Spacebar combination and searching for “Terminal.” It’s in the Applications/Utilities/ folder.

Try out the terminal application by entering a shell command:

$ whoami

Don’t type the $ character. The $ character is a cue that you should enter a shell command. This is a longtime convention that indicates you should enter a command in the terminal application. The Unix shell command whoami returns your username.

To learn more about Unix shell commands, read The Command Line Crash Course. A 3 day, once a week Unix command line training is planned for OCIO and other interested lab parties. Watch your email for announcements.

##Is Xcode Already Installed? You don’t need the full Xcode package to get the Xcode Command Line Tools. You only need the full Xcode package if you are doing development of applications for the Apple operating systems. However, you may have previously installed the full Xcode package.

Check if the full Xcode package is already installed:

$ xcode-select -p

If you see:


the full Xcode package is already installed.

You will need to update Xcode to the newest version (Xcode 5.01 or newer). Go to the App Store application and check “Updates.” After updating Xcode, be sure to launch the Xcode application and accept the Apple license terms.

/Applications/Apple Dev Tools/

If you plan to write Ruby based code in addition to PHP, you must delete Xcode. RVM cannot accommodate spaces in a path so RVM will fail when you attempt to install Ruby. You can either install only the Xcode Command Line Tools (instructions below) or reinstall the full Xcode package.

##Install Xcode Command Line Tools Mac OS X Yosemite, Mavericks and El Capitan will alert you when you enter a command in the terminal that requires Xcode Command Line Tools. For example, you can enter gcc or make.

Try it. Enter: $ gcc

You'll see a popup window asking you to install it. This method is acceptable, or, alternatively you can use a command to install Xcode Command Line Tools. It will produce a similar alert box. Note the double hyphen:

$ xcode-select --install Click “Install” to download and install Xcode Command Line Tools.

The instructions in the alert box are confusing. You don’t need to “Get Xcode” from the App Store. Just click “Install” for the Xcode Command Line Tools.

Once this is complete, you're ready to run the bootstrap script.


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