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SCSM PowerShell Cmdlets

Warning: this project is not actively development. Only critical reported bugs will be fixed be the owner. Fill free to contribute.

Project Description

This project provides cmdlets for System Center Service Manager 2012/2012 SP1/2012 R2/2016/2019 which can be used to automate common tasks.


Version of the SMlets builds on follwing pattern:



  • major and minor are version of the SMLets itself
  • SMVersion is version of the Service Manager for which this SMLets was compiled

2012 vs 2016 version

The only difference between the version for 2012 and 2016 is target framework: 3.5 for SCSM 2012 and 4.5.1 for SCSM 2016+


SMLets cmdlets can be installed with two different ways:

  1. From MSI binary (see the Release tab under GitHub). In this case it will be installed globally for the server.
  2. From PowerShell Gallery. In this case cmdlet will be installed for current user only.

To install exact version from PowerShell Gallery please use -RequiredVersion parameter:

Install-Module -Name SMLets -RequiredVersion 1.0.2012.0

Current commands:

Add-SCSMEnumeration                     Add-SCSMRequestOffering
Export-SCManagementPack                 Get-DataWarehouseConfiguration
Get-SCDWDimensionTypes                  Get-SCDWFactTypes
Get-SCDWMeasureTypes                    Get-SCDWOutriggerTypes
Get-SCDWRelationshipFactTypes           Get-SCDWWarehouseModuleTypes
Get-SCGroup                             Get-SCManagementPack
Get-SCManagementPackElement             Get-SCQueue
Get-SCSMAnnouncement                    Get-SCSMCategory
Get-SCSMChildEnumeration                Get-SCSMClass
Get-SCSMConfigItem                      Get-SCSMConnectedUser
Get-SCSMConsoleTask                     Get-SCSMEnumeration
Get-SCSMFolder                          Get-SCSMFolderHierarchy
Get-SCSMForm                            Get-SCSMImage
Get-SCSMIncident                        Get-SCSMLanguagePackCulture
Get-SCSMManagementPackReference         Get-SCSMObject
Get-SCSMObjectHistory                   Get-SCSMObjectProjection
Get-SCSMObjectTemplate                  Get-SCSMPage
Get-SCSMPageSet                         Get-SCSMRelatedObject
Get-SCSMRelationshipClass               Get-SCSMRelationshipObject
Get-SCSMRequestOffering                 Get-SCSMRequestOfferingQuestion
Get-SCSMResource                        Get-SCSMRule
Get-SCSMRunAsAccount                    Get-SCSMServiceOffering
Get-SCSMSession                         Get-SCSMStringResource
Get-SCSMSubscription                    Get-SCSMTask
Get-SCSMTaskResult                      Get-SCSMTopLevelEnumeration
Get-SCSMTypeProjection                  Get-SCSMUserRole
Get-SCSMUserRoleProfile                 Get-SCSMView
Get-SCSMViewSetting                     Get-SCSMViewType
Get-SCSMWhoAmI                          Get-SMLetsVersion
Import-SCManagementPack                 New-SCGroup
New-SCManagementPack                    New-SCQueue
New-SCSealedManagementPack              New-SCSMAnnouncement
New-SCSMColumn                          New-SCSMFolder
New-SCSMIncident                        New-SCSMManagementPackReference
New-SCSMNotificationSubscription        New-SCSMObject
New-SCSMObjectProjection                New-SCSMObjectTemplate
New-SCSMRelationshipObject              New-SCSMRequestOffering
New-SCSMRequestOfferingQuestion         New-SCSMServiceOffering
New-SCSMServiceRequest                  New-SCSMSession
New-SCSMUserRole                        New-SCSMView
Remove-SCGroup                          Remove-SCManagementPack
Remove-SCQueue                          Remove-SCSMEnumeration
Remove-SCSMObject                       Remove-SCSMRelationshipObject
Remove-SCSMRequestOffering              Remove-SCSMServiceOffering
Remove-SCSMSession                      Remove-SCSMSubscription
Remove-SCSMUserRole                     Remove-SCSMView
Set-SCSMAnnouncement                    Set-SCSMIncident
Set-SCSMObject                          Set-SCSMObjectProjection
Set-SCSMObjectTemplate                  Set-SCSMRunAsAccount

Small guide

Using SMLets Beta 3 Post #1 – Using Get-SCSMObject, Get-SCSMClass to Dump Data from SCSM
Using SMLets Beta 3 Post #2–Using Get-SCSMEnumeration, Get-SCSMRelationshipObject, Get-SCSMRelationshipClass to Automatically Resolve Incidents When All Child Activities Are Completed
Using SMLets Beta 3 Post #3–Using Set-SCSMObject to Bulk Update Properties on Objects
Using SMLets Beta 3 Post #4–Using New-SCSMObject to Create Objects
Using SMLets Beta 3 Post #6–Getting the Owner of a Service
Using SMLets Beta 3 Post #7–Deleting Any Object in the UI
Using SMLets Beta 3 Post #8–Getting the GUID of an Enumeration
Using SMLets Beta 3 Post #9–Deleting Objects
Using SMLets Beta 3 Post #10–Getting a User’s Manager and a Manager’s Reports
Using SMLets Beta 3 Post #11–Getting a List of All the Classes in a Management Pack