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SOHNE | Dura2D

Dura2D is a project dedicated to the exploration and understanding of 2D physics in game development. It was developed as a hands-on experiment alongside the Pikuma's course and Ming-Lun "Allen" Chou Game Physics blog series, aiming to provide a deep understanding of physics simulation principles. The engine’s architecture and logic draw upon insights from Erin Catto’s Box2D, which contributes to its reliability and performance.

Influenced by Jason Gregory’s Game Engine Architecture, Dura2D is committed to educational growth and iterative improvement. It boasts a powerful constraint system for lifelike simulations, employs warm starting techniques for faster computations, and provides a consistently stable performance base.

The repository serves as a personal sandbox for experimentation, blending lessons from various sources with my unique approaches. While it’s not intended as a comprehensive guide to physics simulation, it aims to reinforce the theoretical underpinnings for those interested in the field.

Live demo


  • Constraint System: A robust system that enables realistic simulations of physical interactions.
  • Warm Starting: Improves the speed of the physics simulation by using results from previous frames to kick-start the current frame.
  • Stability: The engine is designed with stability in mind and performs at a decent level.


To install Dura2D, you'll need to have CMake version 3.15 or higher installed on your system. You can download it from the official CMake website.

Follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository: git clone --recurse-submodules -j8
  2. Navigate to the project directory: cd dura2d
  3. Create a new directory for the build: mkdir build && cd build
  4. Run CMake to configure the project: cmake ..
  5. Build the project: make


You can use the Dura2D library in your own projects for educational purposes, as it's designed to deepen your understanding of physics simulation.

However, please note that Dura2D is not intended for production use. It's a learning tool and may not be as robust or reliable as production-ready physics engines. Keep in mind that this project is purely educational and may contain bugs or limitations that could affect its functionality.

Add Dura2D as a Subdirectory in Your Project

In your own project directory, create a CMakeLists.txt file if you don't already have one. Add the following lines to include Dura2D as a subdirectory in your project:

target_link_libraries(your_project_name PRIVATE dura2d)

Replace path/to/dura2d with the actual path to the Dura2D directory relative to your project.

Use Dura2D in Your Code

You can now use Dura2D in your project by including its header files and linking against the Dura2D library. Here's an example of how you might use Dura2D in a C++ source file:

#include <cstdio>
#include "dura2d/dura2d.h"

    // Set up the world with gravity
    d2Vec2 gravity(0.0F, -9.8F);
    d2World world(gravity);

    // Create a circular body (Shape, Position, Mass)
    d2Body* pBody = world.CreateBody(d2CircleShape(45), {0, 0}, 10.0F);

    // Game loop
        // Time step for the simulation
        constexpr float timeStep = 1.0F / 60.0F;

        // Position and angle of the body
        d2Vec2 position {};
        float angle {};
        // Simulate the physics for 60 frames
        for (int32 i = 0; i < 60; ++i)
            // Update the world for the next time step
            // Print the position and angle of the body
            position = pBody->GetPosition();
            angle = pBody->GetRotation();
            printf("Position: (%.2f, %.2f) | Angle: %.2f\n", position.x, position.y, angle);

    return 0;

CMake Options

Dura2D provides several configuration options that you can set when running CMake. Here's a list of the available options:

  • DURA2D_BUILD_UNIT_TESTS: Build the Dura2D unit tests. Default is ON.
  • DURA2D_BUILD_TESTBED: Build the Dura2D testbed. Default is ON.
  • BUILD_SHARED_LIBS: Build Dura2D as a shared library. Default is OFF.

You can set these options when configuring the project with CMake. For example, to customize the build, you would run:



  • Proper Broadphase and Narrow Phase Collision Detection: Improve the efficiency of the engine by reducing the number of collision checks and ensuring accurate collision responses.
  • Contact Caching: Optimize the engine by storing collision information and reusing it in subsequent frames.
  • Island State: Implement an island state for bodies to improve the efficiency of the simulation.
  • Awake State: Add an awake state for bodies to control their activity in the simulation.
  • Manifold Implementation: Implement a contact manifold to hold information about the contact points between two colliding bodies.