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Contents of this directory:

README: This file

COPYRIGHT: The content in file COPYRIGHT applies to ALL files 
(recursively) inside this directory except the hybridsal2xml 
subdirectory.  Files in that directory inherit the SAL licence.

INSTALL.txt: Instructions for installing the software

Makefile: Makefile

src/ : Source code of the relational abstractor for hybrid systems

modelica2hsal/ : A tool for converting Modelica XML models into HybridSal

examples/ : Examples 
  The examples are written as <filename>.hsal 
  The relational abstractor AUTOMATICALLY constructs
  <filename>.hasal and <filename>.sal
    <filename>.hsal :  HybridSAL specification of the hybrid system
    <filename>.hasal: Augmented HybridSAL (original + abstraction)
    <filename>.sal:   SAL file containing abstraction of <filename>.hsal

hybridsal2xml/ : This directory contains code that parses a HybridSAL
 (or Augmented HybridSAL file) and creates an XML for it.

How to run the tool?
After installing (see file INSTALL.txt), you can use the tool by
(A) Running an existing example, such as,
     bin/modelica2sal  modelica2hsal/examples/RCEngine.xml modelica2hsal/examples/context-property.xml

Or, you can build your own model:
(1) Build a .hsal model  (see examples in examples/<filename>.hsal)
  Suppose you create examples/mytest.hsal
(2) From this directory, run the command:
  make examples/mytest.sal
  This should create the file examples/mytest.sal -- which is a
  relational abstraction of the file examples/mytest.hsal
(3) Analyze examples/mytest.sal using SAL model checkers.
  For Step~(3), you need to download and install SAL tools
  (  Once installed, you can verify
  examples/mytest.sal using the command 
  (given from inside the subdirectory examples/):
   sal-inf-bmc -d 5 mytest <property>
  where <property> is the name of the property inside the file
For detailed explanation on ONE small example, see the document

How to run the demo?
make RCEngineFull
 will run the full tool on an example Modelica XML file.

python cc2hsal/src/ cc2hsal/examples/SimplifiedShiftControllerDecl.xml modelica2hsal/examples/SDT_OM_Cyber_dss.xml
python cc2hsal/src/ cc2hsal/examples/SimplifiedShiftControllerDecl.xml modelica2hsal/examples/SDT_OM_Cyber_dss.xml --mapping modelicaURI2CyPhyMap.json
python cc2hsal/src/ cc2hsal/examples/SimplifiedShiftControllerDeclold.xml modelica2hsal/examples/sdt_om_cyber_dss_old.xml --mapping sdt_om_cyber_dss_old.json
python cc2hsal/src/ cc2hsal/examples/SimplifiedControllersCyber_before.xml modelica2hsal/examples/SystemDesignTest-r663.xml --mapping modelicaURI2CyPhyMap_r663.json

Some Simple Examples
The Linear*.hsal files contain some simple examples.
 bin/hsal2hasal examples/Linear1.hsal
This creates examples/Linear1.sal
 sal-inf-bmc -i -d 2 Linear1 correct
This model checks the property.  It fails to find a 
violation, but also fails to prove it.
 sal-inf-bmc -i -d 2 -l helper Linear1 correct
Using the helper lemma, the model checker is able to
prove the property.
 sal-inf-bmc -i -d 2 Linear1 helper
The helper lemma is itself successfully proved.

The following commands will verify properties of Linear5.hsal
 bin/hsal2hasal examples/Linear1.hsal
 cd examples
 sal-inf-bmc -i -d 3 Linear5 correct

Blood Glucose (incomplete)
Relationally abstract a 8-dimensional blood glucose system:
   bin/hsal2hasal examples/BGL.hsal
The model is incomplete and lacking dynamics of 
Insulin, insulin-injection controller, and a verification 

Navigation Examples:
The navigation examples are present in files nav*.hsal
nav01b models the different squares in the grid as
different components.  HybridSAL supports compositional
modeling -- different components can be modeled as different 
MODULEs in HybridSAL.
   bin/hsal2hasal examples/nav01b.hsal
   cd examples
   sal-inf-bmc -d 6 nav01b canreach
   sal-inf-bmc -i -d 6 nav01b correct
The first command creates nav01b.sal, the last two runs of
sal-inf-bmc check two different properties: one is false
and the other is true (and proved by sal-inf-bmc).

The same can be done on nav01.hsal file -- which is the
same as nav01b.hsal, but models the entire system
as a SINGLE MODULE, rather than as a composition of 
different MODULES (as done in nav01b.hsal)
Irrespective of the modeling style, the analysis time
and results are the same.
   bin/hsal2hasal examples/nav01.hsal
   cd examples
   sal-inf-bmc -d 6 nav01 canreach
   sal-inf-bmc -i -d 6 nav01 correct

The file tgc.hsal contains a model of a train-gate-controller.
Note that the discrete behavior of train, gate, and controller 
are modeled as different MODULES;  the continuous behavior
(time elapse) is modeled as a separate MODULE; and finally 
there is one MODULE that enforces the interaction correctly.
Thus, tgc.hsal has five modules and the system is a COMPOSITION
of these five MODULEs.
We can create the relational abstraction, and then verify, using
the following commands:
   bin/hsal2hasal examples/TGC.hsal
   cd examples
   sal-inf-bmc -i -d 10 TGC correct
   sal-inf-bmc -d 10 TGC canreach
   sal-inf-bmc -d 10 TGC canreach1

RLC Circuit:
A simple model of the RLC circuit using three differential equations
is presented in RLC.hsal
   bin/hsal2hasal -o examples/RLC.hsal
   cd examples
   sal-inf-bmc -i -d 5 RLC ibounded
   sal-inf-bmc -d 5 RLC canreach
Analyzing the RLC circuit at certain sampling times:
   bin/hsal2hasal -t 0.005 examples/RLC.hsal
   cd examples
   sal-inf-bmc -i -d 5 RLC ibounded
   sal-inf-bmc -i -d 5 RLC canprove
   sal-inf-bmc -d 8 RLC canreach
To analyze the powertrain model, run the following commands
   bin/hsal2hasal -o examples/powertrain.hsal
This will create the file examples/powertrain.sal
Now model check using the following commands
   cd examples
   sal-inf-bmc -d 12 powertrain nochatter
This takes about 3 minutes of real time and
verifies the 'nochatter' property of powertrain.

Now change the initial condition: increase 
grade to 0.15 (15% grade).  This can be done by
changing the constant 0.05 in INITIALIZATION of 
grade in either powertrain.hsal OR powertrain.sal 
to 0.15.  You will have to reconstruct the powertrain.sal
from powertrain.hsal (using bin/hsal2hasal command above)
if you only change the .hsal file.
Now, re-verify.
   sal-inf-bmc -d 12 powertrain nochatter
You will get a trace that shows violation of the property.
This will take about 3 minutes of real time.
Note that we can analyze the property for a range of 
initial conditions using just ONE run.

Other simple examples:
Simple Thermostat: SimpleThermo4.hsal
Other linear continuous dynamical systems: Linear*.hsal
See doc/hsal-ra-report.pdf for explanation of the working of
the relational abstractor on the example examples/Linear1.hsal

Contact: Ashish Tiwari


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