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Some initial experiments with the Lean 4 theorem prover, exploring possibilities for interaction with HLM.


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An abstract formalization of "isomorphism is equality up to relabeling"

This Lean 4 project aims to provide definitions and theorems that help automate reasoning based on structural properties. Besides the obvious connections to universal algebra and category theory, we also draw on ideas from Homotopy Type Theory (HoTT), in particular the Structure Identity Principle. However, in constrast to a native HoTT implementation (which is certainly possible and would in fact be much simpler), this formalization does not use any additional axioms, so that it can integrate well with other libraries.

A Lean-specific way to state the main goal of this library is that it provides definitions and theorems covering use cases of the "transport" tactic from mathlib. This can be regarded as replacing metamathematical with mathematical reasoning.

Initial idea

The idea behind this formalization is actually quite simple to state using the Equiv () type from mathlib. This version applies to simple algebraic structures but not e.g. categories.

Consider a structure depending on a type, formalized in Lean as a type class C : Type u → Type v. (E.g. C might be Group, Ring, ...) We would like to give a definition that specifies when an instance x : C α is isomorphic to another instance y : C β. This very general definition will help us when transporting objects along isomorphisms or reasoning about isomorphism-invariant properties.

As a prerequisite, we attach a function mapEquiv : α ≃ β → C α ≃ C β to the type class C, along with proofs that mapEquiv commutes with refl, symm, and trans. This function can be understood in multiple different ways:

  • If α and β are equivalent, we demand the same of C α and C β in a compatible manner.
  • We can regard the type equivalence as a relabeling operation. Then mapEquiv specifies how to apply this relabeling operation to an instance of the structure.
  • When reading equivalence as equality, mapEquiv just says that C is a well-defined function. (Also note the similarity between mapEquiv and congrArg C.)
  • mapEquiv turns C into a groupoid functor, by specifying how to map groupoid (iso)morphisms. (Thus, commutation with symm actually follows from commutation with refl and trans.)

Given these four interpretations, it should be evident that there is usually a single obvious definition of mapEquiv for a given type class C.

Now we can define an e : α ≃ β to be an isomorphism between x : C α and y : C β iff x equals y taking into account the relabeling given by mapEquiv e, i.e. mapEquiv e x = y (or, using HoTT syntax, x =[mapEquiv e] y).

Equivalently, we can define an isomorphism between two bundled instances ⟨α, x⟩ ⟨β, y⟩ : Σ α, C α to be an e : α ≃ β together with a proof that mapEquiv e x = y. Here, we can see a first connection to HoTT because this definition matches the equivalence of sigma types given in section 2.7 of the HoTT book, except that in our case the left side is a type which we need to compare via instead of =.


One obvious limitation of the above description is the use of equality when comparing instances of the type class. If x : C α contains at least one type (with or without additional structure), we need to replace equality with equivalence/isomorphism. Actually, even the return type of mapEquiv must take this into account because the definition of Equiv in mathlib contains equality comparisons as well.

Moreover, we would like to automate

  • the definition of mapEquiv for each type class C and
  • the deduction of properties from that definition.

If we regard mapEquiv as describing the structure given by C, we would like to compose that description from similar descriptions about individual parts of the structure. This is somewhat related to the Structure Identity Principle from HoTT in that we need to attach "additional structure" to some smaller existing structure. This enables us to build up mapEquiv analogously to how C is built up from individual (dependent) fields.

Formally, we would like to treat a bundled structure ⟨α, ⟨x₁, x₂⟩⟩ (where x₂ may depend on both α and x₁) canonically also as a nested bundled structure ⟨⟨α, x₁⟩, x₂⟩, with equivalence between ⟨α, x₁⟩ and some ⟨β, y₁⟩ given by isomorphism. However, in the initial version given above the term ⟨⟨α, x₁⟩, x₂⟩ does not type-check because ⟨α, x₁⟩ is not a type.

To conclude, the left side of the Σ instance needs to be something more general than a type, and the right side needs to be something more general than an instance of a type.

Preliminary results

In order to unify the different cases, we define a generic Structure type which can hold various objects with equivalences between them, such as:

Type Equivalence
Prop Iff
α : Sort u Eq
α with [s : Setoid α] s.r
Sort u Equiv from mathlib
Structure StructureEquiv

From our mentioning of HoTT, it may already be apparent that ideally, Structure should be a Lean type defining an ∞-groupoid. However, a native definition of this type would be inductive-recursive in a way not supported by Lean. Fortunately, a version where equivalences of equivalences are propositions is sufficient for our use case. In other words, we define Structure to be a higher groupoid by replacing equality of equivalences with an equivalence relation, but we do not preserve the entire (potentially) infinite hierarchy of equivalences.

First, we work very generally within this framework. In AbstractPiSigma.lean, we define functorial variants of Π and Σ expressions. Then, in AbstractBuildingBlocks.lean, we construct the individual parts that can be composed into descriptions of larger structures. For each of the building blocks, we can prove a theorem that states when two instances of the building block are isomorphic, i.e. equivalent as groupoids. Many common special cases of isomorphisms can be deduced directly from these theorems; see in particular the table at FunctorInstanceDef in AbstractBuildingBlocks.lean.

After finishing the basic building blocks, we will be able to obtain the properties of structures by "describing" them in terms of the framework. In Lean, this can likely be fully automated. However, this part is still WIP.

In the same way, we can (and need to) define building-blocks for isomorphism-invariant properties. This is also still WIP, but once finished, isomorphism invariance of a property will directly follow from its syntactic definition.


While the formalization in terms of ∞-groupoids is strongly related to HoTT, our formalization does not use univalence in any way. This is because we always work with groupoid equivalence instead of equality (except where those coincide for a particular structure). As a result, we explicitly need to prove functoriality in a lot of cases where we would obtain it for free from univalence.

The formalization brought to light some surprising properties of groupoids, which may or may not be known. Most strikingly, we obtain the following result: If we interpret equivalence/isomorphism of objects in a groupoid as generalized equality, then groupoid functors are just generalized functions. If we then define "injective", "surjective", and "bijective" in a straightforward way, each "bijective" functor actually has an inverse (i.e. adjoint) functor -- even though the formalization is entirely constructive. (More details in FunctorProperties.lean.)


  • Finish abstract building blocks.
  • Define the same building blocks in more concrete terms when restricted to types.
  • Fill sorrys.
  • Create examples.
  • Determine structure automatically via type-class/tactic/attribute magic.
  • Automatically deduce that properties are isomorphism-invariant.

Further enhancements:

  • Introduce simpler "skeletal" version.
  • Define "canonical isomorphism".
  • Introduce structures with morphisms.
  • Generate those structures automatically where appropriate.
  • Prove that isomorphism according to those morphisms is the same as isomorphism defined as relabeling.
  • Generate even more structure automatically.
  • Explore connection to HLM in more detail.

Regarding the last point: HLM is the logic that is being implemented in the interactive theorem prover Slate (

HLM is classical and set-theoretic, but uses a custom set theory that can also be interpreted as a dependent type theory. In fact, the contents of this file started out as an exploration of how to translate from HLM to other dependently-typed systems such as Lean. The result of this exploration is that a "set" in HLM is exactly an ∞-groupoid on the meta level. So this file should be able to serve as a basis for a translation from HLM to Lean, and also to other theorem provers, especially those that implement HoTT.


Some initial experiments with the Lean 4 theorem prover, exploring possibilities for interaction with HLM.








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