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MagicBinder Build Status

MagicBinder is website that lets users manage their MTG card collection, create decks and search for cards from entire cards database.

Setting up project

Project contains of two main parts:

  • Backend solution written in .NET6 using MongoDB for storing data
  • Website using React JavaScript framework and Bulma CSS framework

Backend solution appsettings.json

Create appsettings.{environment}.json file for given environment (for example appsettings.Development.json) and add all required values found in base appsetting.json file.

  • Mongo
    • ConnectionString - your MongoDB server address
    • Database - name of MongoDB database where all core application data will be stored (default value: MagicBinderCards)
  • Hangfire - settings for Hangfire, currently not used, but recurring jobs will be handled by this library
    • DashboardEnabled - determine if dashboard for hangfire should be enabled
    • DatabaseName - name of MongoDB database where hangfire data will be stored (default value: HangfireMagicBinder)
    • RetryCount - number of retries for jobs
  • Auth - project is integrated with IdentityIssuer, my other project that is responsible for storing data of users. All settings here should match your IdentityIssuer settings.
    • Secret - secret key shared with IdentityIssuer, used for token encoding
    • Issuer - name of issuer
    • AppCode - tenant code in IdentityIssuer
    • IdentityIssuerUrl - url of IdentityIssuer backend
    • AllowedOrigin - url of your frontend MagicBinder application

Frontend solution .env.local file

Create .env.{environment}.local file (for example .env.development.local) in ClientApp directory that stores all configuration of frontend solution.

  • GENERATE_SOURCEMAP (true/false) - enables easy js navigation
  • REACT_APP_API_URL - url of backend solution (eg. https://localhost:7270/api/)
  • REACT_APP_IS_DEBUG - determines if app is local
  • REACT_APP_GOOGLE_ID - Google id of your application, used for logging in with google account

Additional local settings used for https:

  • SSL_CRT_FILE - location of certificate pem file
  • SSL_KEY_FILE - location of certificate key file


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