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Mob Arena Extension Build status

Extend the supporting for 3rd pt plugins or additional features

Getting Started

  • Install Spigot/Paper 1.18.2, Java 17 and MobArena 0.107 or higher
  • Download a release from SpigotMC or snapshot Github Action. Install to your server
  • Enable which module you wanna in plugins/MobArenaExtension/config.yml

Supported Plugins


  • Install MythicMobs ver 5.2 up. Then create your cool mobs (docs on their offical website)
  • Reload extension /mobarenaextension reload (restart server if using extension version before 0.3)
  • Use mythic mob's name in arena waves config

(Check Known issues)

PlaceholderAPI No longer available in 0.3, but good news, placeholder is now officially supported MobArenaPlaceholders

0.2 placeholders :

Key description
mobarena_prefix global prefix
mobarena_total_enabled amount of arenas is enabled
mobarena_arena_name name of arena that player is in
mobarena_arena_prefix prefix of arena that player is in
mobarena_arena_wave current wave of arena
mobarena_arena_final_wave final wave of arena
mobarena_arena_mobs amount of live mobs
mobarena_arena_killed mobs that that player killed in this run
mobarena_arena_damage_dealt damages that player dealt in this run
mobarena_arena_damage_received damages that player received in this run
mobarena_arena_player_join players joining this arena
mobarena_arena_player_live players fighting in this arena


In isolated chat arena, messages wont be sent to discord.

Known Issues

  • MythicMobs allow using some non-living entity (armor stand) but MobArena only allow living entity. Which mean you can not use non-living entity mythic mob in MobArena yet
  • Using similar mythic mob name is not compatible, like Hero brine, hero-brine, Hero brines
  • This is an issue from MythicMob itself, when mob A spawn a minion B --> B has parent that is A. This is intended behaviour, but when using skill Summon without radius or with radius = 0, A wont be B's parent. Always use summon radius higher than 0 if you plan to use that in MobArena

For first issue, will need to wait for the next MobArena major patch
