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Installtion Notes

Try to follow these steps

1 - Tenserflow and OpenCV installation (A)
2 - Make sure your Camera is working
3 - Install requirements.txt
4 - Face recognition library (B)

A: For Tenserflow and OpenCV installation and problems checkout this video  Tenserflow and Opencv installation for Pi 
Repo for matching  Python-Tenserflow on a Raspberry Pi- architecture

B: For Face recognition library checkout this video   Face recognition library

Credit and Thanks to Electrical Engineer Hussain Balhareth He did the bar training and he gave me the chance to work on this project, he also did troubleshooting and testing for libraries and hardware issues


#-------Raspberry pi  ---------

# Common
# pip==22.0.4 

# CV2 Most already installed from "Installtion Notes" section Above
imutils ==0.5.3

#face-recognition        ==1.3.0
#face-recognition-models ==0.3.0
#tensorflow              ==2.7.0
#tensorflow-estimator    ==2.7.0
#keras                   ==2.7.0
#Keras-Preprocessing     ==1.1.2
# opencv-contrib-python   ==
# opencv-python           ==
# dlib                    ==19.23.1

# Probably needed if you're using the Pi Camera -> Remember usb Cameras are easier to deal with
# picamera == 1.13 -> If this doesn't work - Probably won't it's old and not for new Pis -> OsError
# Consider using PiCamera2- Currently you'll have to build it though 

# Not Sure
scipy      == 1.8.0
matplotlib ==3.5.1
# ------- Others -----------
# Pillow     == 9.1.0
# flatbuffers ==2.0
# Probably needed -> argparse
# For keyboard stuff -> pynput
#------------------- Pi end----------------------------


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