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Samba SDK


Our unique ad formats are loved by users and earn more money from advertisers, enhancing your app and earning you more at the same time.

Simply integrate our SDK and get started today.

The SDK is provided as an Android Library project that can be included in your application as an .aar library. The latest aar file, version 0.0.2, can be found in folder samba-sdk.

In the near future we plan to distribute the SDK as a Gradle dependency too.


The Samba SDK requires Android 4.4 (Android API level 19+) and upwards. In the event you attempt to use the Samba SDK on a device with an Android OS lower than 4.4, the Samba instance will be null.

Let's get started

Please add the following to the build.gradle file from the integrating module:

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.squareup.retrofit2:retrofit:2.3.0'
    implementation 'com.squareup.retrofit2:converter-gson:2.3.0'  
    implementation 'com.squareup.okhttp3.okhttp:3.9.0' 
    implementation 'com.github.bumptech.glide:glide:4.6.1'

Let's get to the code

In order to connect to our system you will need a publisherId and a secretKey. Please contact your SambaNetworks Account Manager or contact us at in order to get these.

To properly initialize the Samba SDK you need to create an instance of the SambaSetup object and provide the publisherId, the secretKey and a userId. After this you need to call the init() method and pass the SambaSetup instance and the activity context.

import com.samba.SambaAd;

public class AdActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

 protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

   SambaSetup sambaSetup = new SambaSetup("YourPublisherId", "YourSecretKey", "UserId");
   Samba.init(sambaSetup, AdActivity.this);

Note: If you create the SambaSetup object with an incorrect publisherId, secretKey or userId, the Samba SDK will initialize, but when calling loadAd(), the onAdLoadFail() event will probably be fired with the error message No content.

In case the userId changes, the init method must be called again, in order to ensure the correct setup.

Samba configuration

The SDK offers access to the SambaConfig class in order to change various SDK settings. SambaConfig methods can be called before or after calling the init method. The settings will be applied before loading and playing new ads.

import com.samba.SambaConfig;
public class AdActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

 protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
   SambaSetupe sambaSetup = new SambaSetup("YourPublisherId", "YourSecretKey", "UserId");
   Samba.init(sambaSetup, AdActivity.this);


The following configurations are available:

Method Default value Description
setAge null Sets the user age. It is used to retrieve Samba ads (optional parameter).
setGender null Sets the user gender. It is used to retrieve Samba ads. Available options are: 'M' or 'F' (optional parameter).
setAdOrientation null Sets the desired orientation when playing an ad. If the value is null or MATCH_VIDEO, the orientation will be determined by the video itself. Available options are: LANDSCAPE, PORTRAIT, AUTO or MATCH_VIDEO.
setSoundDisabled false Enables or disables ads sound (sound on or sound off). The default option for sound is enabled.
optimizeDownloadOnMobileNetwork false Sets whether the sdk should optimize mobile data usage. More exactly, it sets if mobile data should be used for pre-caching ad videos or not. If set to true, ad videos will not be pre-cached on mobile data.

Sample ad activity

You are almost ready to play the first ad. Get the Samba instance by calling method getInstance on Samba class by passing the activity context.

 samba = SambaAd.getInstance(SampleAdActivity.this);

After this you must call the loadAd() method and after receiving a successful load response, call playAd() method. You can listen to loadAd method result by registering a SambaListener on Samba instance and listening for adLoadedSuccess and adLoadedFailed events.

Once adLoadedSuccess has been called, you can call the playAd() method.

import com.samba.Samba;

public class SampleAdActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
private Samba samba;

 protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
   samba = SambaAd.getInstance(SampleAdActivity.this);

private SambaListener createSambaListener() {
    return new SambaListener() {
        public void onAdLoadSuccess() {
             //Unnecesary check method. Used as an example here.
             if (samba.isAdLoaded()) {

        public void onAdLoadFail(@NonNull String error) {

If you would like to check the status of the ad, the following methods are available:





In order to clean-up the ad's resources, Samba's destroyAd() method must be called when the activity is destroyed:

protected void onDestroy() {

AdListener events

Above is an example of creating a SambaListener object and registering it to the SambaAd object. The following events are triggered:

Event Mandatory implementation Description
onAdLoadSuccess true Triggered when an ad is loaded successfully.
onAdLoadFail(String error) true Triggered when an ad can't be loaded. The cause is returned in the error message.
onAdStarted false Triggered when an ad starts playing.
onAdShowFailed(String error) false Triggered when an ad fails to display on screen. The cause is returned in the error message.
onAdDidReachEnd(boolean wasSuccessfulView) false Triggered when an ad video reaches completion. The wasSuccessfulView indicates if the ad was viewed until the end by the user or not. A case when wasSuccessfulView can be false is when the user skips the video.
onAdClicked false Triggered when the user clicks the video ad screen.
onLeaveApp false Triggered when leaving the app. (e.g. if the user opens a web page in the native browser from the SDK or clicks a "mailTo" link).
onAgeRestrictionNotMet false Triggered when an ad can't be played because the age restriction is not met.
onAdDismissed false Triggered at the end, when the entire add display process finishes and the ad screen is closed.


Callbacks may be executed in a background thread so in order to interact with the UI you need to move the processing to the main thread. This can be done so:

create a Handler object and pass Looper.getMainLooper as a parameter

using Activity.runOnUiThread(Runnable)

You're all set

Now you're ready to show high quality and engaging ads to your users. Welcome aboard!