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A small library for constraining triangulations from Delaunator


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A small library for constraining triangulations from Delaunator.

Constrained triangulation


Constrainautor takes a Delaunay triangulation (from Delaunator), and turns it into a constrained (but not necessarily conforming) triangulation. You specify two points in the triangulation, and Constrainautor ensures there is an edge between those points.

// A diamond
const points = [[150, 50], [50, 200], [150, 350], [250, 200]],
	// Creates a horizontal edge in the middle
	del = Delaunator.from(points),
	con = new Constrainautor(del);

// .. but we want a vertical edge, from [150, 50] to [150, 350]:
con.constrainOne(0, 2);
// del now has the constrained triangulation, in the same format that
// Delaunator outputs

Constrained diamond


Install from NPM:

npm install @kninnug/constrainautor

Use in Node.js:

const Constrainautor = require('@kninnug/constrainautor');

or as an ECMAScript/ES6 module:

import Constrainautor from '@kninnug/constrainautor';

or in the browser:

<script src="node_modules/@kninnug/constrainautor/Constrainautor.js"></script>

or minified:

<script src="node_modules/@kninnug/constrainautor/Constrainautor.min.js"></script>

The Constrainautor library does not depend on Delaunator itself, but the input is expected to be in the format that Delaunator outputs.


Besides being in the format that Delaunator outputs, the library has these other requirements on the input data:

  • Points are not duplicated, i.e. no two points have the same x and y coordinates.
  • No two constrained edges intersect with eachother.
  • Constrained edges do not intersect with any point in the triangulation (beside their end-points).
  • The outer edges of the triangulation form a convex hull.
  • The triangulation has no holes.

The last two requirements are already guaranteed by Delaunator, but are important to keep in mind if you modify the triangulation before passing it to Constrainautor. If one or more of these requirements are not met, the library may throw an error during constrainment, or produce bogus results.

To triangulate a set of points, and constrain certain edges:

  1. Define the points to be triangulated: points = [[x1, y1], [x2, y2], ...].
  2. Generate a triangulation (using Delaunator): del = Delaunator.from(points).
  3. Make a constrainer: con = new Constrainautor(del). Note that del will be modified by the Constrainautor methods.
  4. Define the edges to be constrained: edges = [[0, 1], [3, 4], ...]. These are indices into the points array.
  5. Constrain the triangulation: for(const [p1, p2] of edges){ con.constrainOne(p1, p2); }.
  6. Restore the Delaunay condition: con.delaunify().

Alternatively, you can call con.constrainAll(edges), which will constrain all the edges in the supplied array and call delaunify.

You can then use the triangulation in del as described in the Delaunator guide.

If you change the point coordinates and their triangulation (via Delaunator#update), you need to re-constrain the edges by creating a new Constrainautor and going through steps 3 - 6 again.

API reference

More details can be found in the comments of Constrainautor.mjs.

con = new Constrainautor(del)

Construct a new Constrainautor from the given triangulation. The del object should be returned from Delaunator, and is modified in-place by the Constrainautor methods.

con.constrainOne(p1, p2)

Constrain an edge in the triangulation. The arguments p1 and p2 must be indices into the points array originally supplied to the Delaunator. It returns the id of the half-edge that points from p1 to p2, or the negative id of the half-edge that points from p2 to p1.

con.delaunify(force = false)

After constraining edges, call this method to restore the Delaunay condition (for every two triangles sharing an edge, neither lies completely within the circumcircle of the other), for every edge that was flipped by constrainOne. If force is true, it will check & correct every non-constrained edge (regardless of whether it was touched by constrainOne).


A shortcut to constraining an array of edges by constrainOne and calling delaunify afterwards. The argument edges must be an array of arrays of indices into the points array originally supplied to Delaunator, i.e: [[p1, p2], [p3, p4], ...]. Returns the updated del object.

con.intersectSegments(p1, p2, p3, p4)

The method used internally to determine whether the closed line segments formed by [p1 - p2] and [p3 - p4] intersect. By default it uses the static method Constrainautor.intersectSegments, but it can be overridden to provide a more robust intersection test. See below under Known issues for more details. The arguments p1, p2, p3, and p4 are indices into the original points array and the function is expected to return true when the line segments intersect. If, however the segments share an end-point (e.g. when p1 === p3 etc), it must return false.

con.inCircle(p1, p2, p3, px)

The method used internally to determine whether the point px is in the circumcircle of the triangle formed by p1, p2, p3. All four arguments are indices into the original points array, and the function is expected to return true if px is in the circumcirle. This method can be overridden to provide a more robust implementation than the default Constrainautor.inCircle.

con.segPointDistSq(p1, p2, p)

The method used internally to compute the squared distance between the point p and the nearest point to it on the closed segment [p1 - p2]. By default it uses the static method Constrainautor.segPointDistSq, but it can be overridden to provide a more robust implementation. The arguments p1, p1, and p are indices into the original points array. It must return the squared distance.


At construction time, the Constrainautor library allocates two arrays, in addition to the arrays already present in the Delaunator output:

  • vertMap: a mapping of each point (vertex) in the triangulation to the (id of the) left-most edge that points to that vertex. This is used to find the edges connected to any given point.
  • flips: keeps track of the edges that were flipped or constrained. It is used by delaunify to determine which edges may need to be flipped again to restore the Delaunay condition.

During the constraining process, or the re-Delaunay-fying afterwards, the library does no dynamic allocations. This is also the reason that constrainOne does not restore the Delaunay condition immediately, as that would require keeping track of an unbounded list of flipped edges. Rather, it sets flips to 1 at the index of each newly created edge, which delaunify iterates over to check and restore the Delaunay condition.

Known issues

  • delaunify might not restore the Delaunay condition for all triangle pairs when that requires flipping edges more than once.

  • The segment-segment intersection code is not completely robust, and may break on small inputs (see issue #2). This can be mitigated by overriding Constrainautor#intersectSegments to use a more robust implementation. For example robust-segment-intersect by Mikola Lysenko:

    import robustIntersect from 'robust-segment-intersect';
    class RobustConstrainautor extends Constrainautor {
    	intersectSegments(p1, p2, p3, p4){
    		// ignore when the segments share an end-point
    		if(p1 === p3 || p1 === p4 || p2 === p3 || p2 === p4){
    			return false;
    		const pts = this.del.coords;
    		return robustIntersect(
    			[pts[p1 * 2], pts[p1 * 2 + 1]],
    			[pts[p2 * 2], pts[p2 * 2 + 1]],
    			[pts[p3 * 2], pts[p3 * 2 + 1]],
    			[pts[p4 * 2], pts[p4 * 2 + 1]]
    const del = Delaunator.from(points),
    	con = new RobustConstrainautor(del);



A small library for constraining triangulations from Delaunator







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