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@SandroMaglione SandroMaglione released this 26 Jul 10:35
· 18 commits to main since this release
  • Minimum environment dart sdk to 3.0.0 ⚠️ (Dart 3️⃣)
  sdk: ">=3.0.0 <4.0.0"
  • Added new ReaderTaskEither type
    • ReaderTaskEither models a complete program using Reader for dependency injection, Task to perform asynchronous computation, and Either to handle errors 🎯
  • Added new ReaderTask type
  • Either as sealed class (Dart 3️⃣)
    • You can now use exhaustive pattern matching (Left or Right)
/// Pattern matching
final match = right.match(
  (l) => print('Left($l)'),
  (r) => print('Right($r)'),

/// or use Dart's pattern matching as well 🤝
final dartMatch = switch (right) {
  Left(value: final l) => 'Left($l)',
  Right(value: final r) => 'Right($r)',
  • Option as sealed class (Dart 3️⃣)
    • You can now use exhaustive pattern matching (None or Some)
/// Pattern matching
final match = option.match(
  () => print('None'),
  (a) => print('Some($a)'),

/// or use Dart's pattern matching as well 🤝
final dartMatch = switch (option) {
  None() => 'None',
  Some(value: final a) => 'Some($a)',
  • Types marked as final (no extends nor implements) (Dart 3️⃣)
    • Unit
    • Reader
    • State
    • StateAsync
    • IO
    • IORef
    • IOOption
    • IOEither
    • Task
    • TaskOption
    • TaskEither
    • ReaderTask
    • ReaderTaskEither
  • Removed Tuple2, use Dart 3 Records instead (Tuple2(a, b) becomes simply (a, b) 🎯) ⚠️ (Dart 3️⃣)
    • Updated all internal APIs to use records instead of Tuple2
  • Major refactoring of Iterable and List extension methods
    • Improved performance
    • Correct return types (Iterable and List) (#65)
    • Added the following methods
      • prependAll (Iterable)
      • intersperse (Iterable)
      • difference (Iterable)
      • filterWithIndex (Iterable)
    • Fixed the following methods ⚠️
      • takeWhileRight: Resulting List now in reversed order as expected
      • dropWhileRight: Resulting List now in reversed order as expected
    • Updated the following methods ⚠️
      • foldRight, foldRightWithIndex (List): Changed parameter order in combine function
      • zipWith (Iterable): Changed parameters definition, no more curried
    • Renamed the following methods ⚠️
      • plusconcat (Iterable)
      • concatflatten (on Iterable<Iterable<T>>)
    • Removed the following methods ⚠️
      • concatMap (use flatMap instead)
      • bind (use flatMap instead)
      • bindWithIndex (use flatMapWithIndex instead)
      • concatMapWithIndex (use flatMapWithIndex instead)
  • Refactoring of Map extension methods
    • Improved performance
    • Added the following methods
      • lookupEq
      • lookupWithKeyEq
    • Removed the following methods ⚠️
      • member (use containsKey instead)
      • elem (use containsValue instead)
      • toIterable (use toSortedList instead)
    • Updated the following methods ⚠️
      • toIterable renamed to toSortedList (return a List instead of Iterable)
      • modifyAt changed parameter order and no more curried
      • modifyAtIfPresent changed parameter order and no more curried
      • updateAt no more curried
      • updateAtIfPresent no more curried
      • deleteAt no more curried
      • upsertAt no more curried
      • pop no more curried
      • foldLeft no more curried
      • foldLeftWithKey no more curried
      • foldLeftWithIndex no more curried
      • foldLeftWithKeyAndIndex no more curried
      • foldRight no more curried
      • foldRightWithKey no more curried
      • foldRightWithIndex no more curried
      • foldRightWithKeyAndIndex no more curried
      • union no more curried
      • intersection no more curried
      • isSubmap no more curried
      • collect no more curried
      • difference no more curried
  • Added conversions helpers from String to num, int, double, and bool using Option and Either (both as extension methods on String and as functions) (#80)
    • toNumOption
    • toIntOption
    • toDoubleOption
    • toBoolOption
    • toNumEither
    • toIntEither
    • toDoubleEither
    • toBoolEither
/// As extension on [String]
final result = "10".toNumOption; /// `Some(10)`
final result = "10.5".toNumOption; /// `Some(10.5)`
final result = "0xFF".toIntOption; /// `Some(255)`
final result = "10.5".toDoubleOption; /// `Some(10.5)`
final result = "NO".toBoolEither(() => "left"); /// `Left("left")`

/// As functions
final result = toNumOption("10"); /// `Some(10)`
final result = toNumOption("10.5"); /// `Some(10.5)`
final result = toIntOption("0xFF"); /// `Some(255)`
final result = toDoubleOption("10.5"); /// `Some(10.5)`
final result = toBoolEither("NO", () => "left"); /// `Left("left")`
  • Changed dateNow, now, random, and randomBool to getter functions
/// Before
Option<T> getRandomOption<T>(T value) => randomBool()
    .map((isValid) => isValid ? some(value) : none<T>())

/// Now
Option<T> getRandomOption<T>(T value) => randomBool
    .map((isValid) => isValid ? some(value) : none<T>())
  • Removed Predicate class and added extension methods in its place ⚠️
bool isEven(int n) => n % 2 == 0;
bool isDivisibleBy3(int n) => n % 3 == 0;

final isOdd = isEven.negate;
final isEvenAndDivisibleBy3 = isEven.and(isDivisibleBy3);
final isEvenOrDivisibleBy3 = isEven.or(isDivisibleBy3);
final isStringWithEvenLength = isEven.contramap<String>((n) => n.length);
  • Updated curry / uncarry extensions ⚠️
    • Renamed curry to curryAll for functions with 3, 4, 5 parameters
    • Changed definition of curry to curry only the first parameter
    • Changed uncurry and curry extension to getter function
    • Removed curry and uncurry as functions (use extension method instead)
    • Added curryLast (curry last parameter)
int Function(int) subtractCurried(int n1) => (n2) => n1 - n2;

/// Before
subtractCurried.uncurry()(10, 5);

final addFunction = (int a, int b) => a + b;
final add = curry2(addFunction);

[1, 2, 3].map(add(1));  // returns [2, 3, 4]

/// New
subtractCurried.uncurry(10, 5);

final addFunction = (int a, int b) => a + b;
final add = addFunction.curry;

[1, 2, 3].map(add(1)); // returns [2, 3, 4]
[1, 2, 3].map(addFunction.curry(1)); // returns [2, 3, 4]
  • Changed Eq static constructors to methods
    • or
    • and
  • Added xor method to Eq
  • Moved DateTime instances of Eq as Eq static members
/// Before
final eq = dateEqYear; // Global

/// Now
final eq = Eq.dateEqYear;
  • Added Eq instances for num, int, double, String, and bool
[1, 2, 3].difference(Eq.eqInt, [2, 3, 4]); /// `[1]`
  • Added new method to Eq
    • contramap
class Parent {
  final int value1;
  final double value2;
  const Parent(this.value1, this.value2);

/// Equality for values of type [Parent] based on their `value1` ([int]).
final eqParentInt = Eq.eqInt.contramap<Parent>(
  (p) => p.value1,

/// Equality for of type [Parent] based on their `value2` ([double]).
final eqParentDouble = Eq.eqDouble.contramap<Parent>(
  (p) => p.value2,
  • Changed reverse in Order from static constructor to getter method
/// Before
final reversed = Order.reverse(instance);

/// Now
final reversed = instance.reverse;
  • Moved DateTime instances of Order as Order static members
  • Added Order instances for num, int, double
  • Added new methods to Order
    • between
    • clamp
    • contramap
class Parent {
  final int value1;
  final double value2;
  const Parent(this.value1, this.value2);

/// Order values of type [Parent] based on their `value1` ([int]).
final orderParentInt = Order.orderInt.contramap<Parent>(
  (p) => p.value1,

/// Order values of type [Parent] based on their `value2` ([double]).
final orderParentDouble = Order.orderDouble.contramap<Parent>(
  (p) => p.value2,
  • Removed bool extension (match and fold), use the ternary operator or pattern matching instead ⚠️
final boolValue = Random().nextBool();

/// Before
final result = boolValue.match<int>(() => -1, () => 1);
final result = boolValue.fold<int>(() => -1, () => 1);

/// Now
final result = boolValue ? 1 : -1;
final result = switch (boolValue) { true => 1, false => -1 };