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An Augmented Reality game, built with Google ARCore SDK and Google Sceneform SDK for Android.

Augmented Reality

  • The sceneform SDK was injected externally in the app (due to the deprecation) and hence, this repository has more Java code than the Kotlin code.
  • A lot if changes were made to the sceneform SDK itself, to make it compatible with AndroidX and other new updates.
  • The app spawns 20 spheroids in the real world which the users can shoot with an AR bullet.


  • The app provides a Google Sign In option using Firebase which is further used to store a user's data into Firestore.
  • Whenever the user creates a new high score (lesser the time, greater the score), the leaderboard is updated live and automatically.
  • The app uses FirestoreRecyyclerView to bind all the live data into a RecyclerView.

Other screens

  • Other screens (or fragments and activities) are mostly static.
  • The result screen shows the time taken by the user to complete the game and also let's them know if their score was updated.
  • The about screen is static except for the AD present at the bottom,, which is spawned using Google AdMob SDK.
  • Home screen has 2 buttons, one to start the game and another to sign out of the app.

App screens

Google Pixel 4 Presentation

Google Pixel 4 Presentation


The first working prototype


Gameplay of the latest version