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PIDKiln preferences

Adrian Siemieniak edited this page Oct 23, 2019 · 4 revisions

First step

On the very beginning of PIDKiln usage you need to configure it. Easiest way is to do it with Web interface. You can do it "out of the box", since PIDKiln will create WiFi AP after powering on. WiFi network will be called "PIDKiln_AP" with password "hotashell". Or you can edit config file in advance, and provide your local WiFi name and password - then PIDKiln will connect to it for easier connectivity.

Everything else is "ready to go", but it is advised to familiar yourself with all other parameters and set at least MIN/MAX temperature for safety and perhaps tune PID values.

Configuration file

Configuration file is located in "data/etc/" directory that is whole transferred to SPIFFS filesystem during installation (step after compilation). File is standard text file, with probably all the parameters explained with comments. Below you will find copy of "pidkiln.conf" file, but probably most up to date version will be on filesystem.

## Preferences for PIDKiln system

# WiFi/Network preferences
# WiFi client mode
# SSID and password for AP to which PIDKiln should try to connect
WiFi_SSID = 
WiFi_Password = 

# how many seconds PIDKiln tries to connect to WiFi AP. 0 - infinite loop
WiFi_Retry_cnt = 9

# In what WiFi mode PIDKiln should operate
# 0 = no WiFi; 1 = connect to AP - if failed, be AP (default); 2 = connect only to AP; 3 - be only AP
WiFi_Mode = 1

# Time and NTP setup
# NTP servers to synchronize time if Internet connection is available
NTP_Server1 =
NTP_Server2 =
NTP_Server3 =

# Time offset (+/-) comparing to GMT time and daylight change if exists
GMT_Offset_sec = 3600
Daylight_Offset_sec = 3600

# If you don't have Internet connection to use NTP, this time will be set always after PIDKiln start
Initial_date = 2019-10-10
Initial_time = 11:00:00

# PID Configuration
# PID Window size in ms - this is PID cycle
PID_Window = 5000

# Initial PID parameters 0-255 float
PID_Kp = 20
PID_Ki = 0.2
PID_Kd = 0.1

# How big difference between SET and CURRENT temperature we can tolerate, if modulo is bigger - go to dwell (wait until it's reached)
# Warning! if this temperature never is reached it will stop the program. Default -1 = do not wait.
PID_Temp_Threshold = -1

# Logging configuration
# How often should we log running program (and housing - if present) temperature to CSV file (in seconds), 0 - disable logging
LOG_Window = 30

# Safety parameters
# If registered MIN temperature or less - assume error and abort
MIN_Temperature = 10

# If registered MAX or above - assume error and abort, do not allow to register higher temperatures in program definition
MAX_Temperature = 1350

# If housing temperature C is above this - abort
MAX_Housing_Temperature = 130

# How long (in minutes) controller will try to heat up kiln without increase in temperature before aborting.
# This should detect failed heating element (if you have just one - with many this may not work).
# It's disabled (0) by default, because it's very depending on your hw configuration and there is no good value for everyone.
# This works like this. When in heating up (not dwell or cool down) mode and set temperature is 5+C bigger then current temperature (5C because of possible measurement errors)
# PIDKiln will start to count Thermal_Runaway window. If temperature will not go up in this time period for additional +5C, abort.
# Keep in mind that PID algorithm may react slowly - so this value should be quite big (and also depends of your heating element power).
Thermal_Runaway = 0

# How long (seconds) should we keep ALARM_PIN high after program abort (something wrong has happen) - 0 = alarm disabled.
Alarm_Timeout = 0