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Testing your PIDKiln

Adrian Siemieniak edited this page Oct 22, 2019 · 3 revisions

After assembling PIDKiln device it's recommended to do some dry run tests first. Of course you will know, just after powering it on, if the LCD is working and if the temperature sensor shows any reasonable data.

But to test, and learn how it works, best way is to use DC-DC SSR relay (instead of DC-AC one used "in production") and hook a small halogen bulb (or car bulb - old type, not LED) directly to thermocouple sensor. Connect bulb through relay to 12V power supply and start testing. Bulb tests

Sorry I have no better photo :)

This setup is quite safe and easily can reach 100°C. For this purpose there are two, small programs provided with PIDKiln. One to simulate real program in low temperature (and much quicker) and another just to do quick up/down test - this one is good for PID tuning/learning.

Of course you can keep your normal AC SSR, and use it with old type 100W bulb (if it's still available in your country) - but since it involves high voltage - this is less safe to tinker with.