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Daniel Spors edited this page Dec 19, 2023 · 3 revisions

Classes in file reflection/requestparamattribute.class.php

class RequestParamAttribute

Allows to automatically pass REQUEST parameters to methods arguments. @attribute[RequestParam('joe','string',false)] in the doccomment will make the following usable: function SomeMethod($joe){ log_debug($joe); }

Extends: WdfAttribute


Checks if the argument is optional This is done by checking if there's a default value specified.

Definition: public function IsOptional()

Returns: bool true or false


Checks a given array for data for this and updates another array accordingly This is kind of internal, so will not be documented further. Only that it ensures typed data in the $args argument from the $data argument. We will most likely clean this procedure up in the future.

Definition: public function UpdateArgs($data, $args, $is_last=false)

Returns: bool|string true if everything went fine, an error string if not


  • array $data Combined request data

  • array $args resulting typed values

  • bool $is_last TRUE if this is the last arguement (used for nameless argument passing)

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