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This library, written in .Net Core, allows you to query TeamSpeak 3 servers using the query port.


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This library allows you to query TeamSpeak 3 servers using the query port.
All queries are implemented type-safe in .Net Core.

This library is work in progress and not final yet!

Query Types (✔ implemented - ✖ not implemented yet):

  • ✔ Server
  • ✔ Client


File transfer functionality (✔ implemented - ✖ not implemented yet):

  • ✔ Download
  • ✔ Upload

List of Notifications (✔ implemented - ✖ not implemented yet):

  • ✔ notifyclientleftview
  • ✔ notifycliententerview
  • ✔ notifyclientmoved
  • ✔ notifytextmessage
  • ✔ notifytokenused
  • ✔ notifychanneledited
  • ✔ notifychannelcreated
  • ✔ notifychannelmoved
  • ✔ notifychanneldeleted
  • ✔ notifychanneldescriptionchanged
  • ✔ notifychannelpasswordchanged
  • ✔ notifyserveredited

List of Commands (✔ implemented - ✖ not implemented yet):

  • ✔ help
  • ✔ quit
  • ✔ login
  • ✔ logout
  • ✔ version
  • ✔ hostinfo
  • ✔ instanceinfo
  • ✔ instanceedit
  • ✔ bindinglist
  • ✔ use
  • ✔ serverlist
  • ✔ serveridgetbyport
  • ✔ serverdelete
  • ✔ servercreate
  • ✔ serverstart
  • ✔ serverstop
  • ✔ serverprocessstop
  • ✔ serverinfo
  • ✔ serverrequestconnectioninfo
  • ✔ servertemppasswordadd
  • ✔ servertemppassworddel
  • ✔ servertemppasswordlist
  • ✔ serveredit
  • ✔ servergrouplist
  • ✔ servergroupadd
  • ✔ servergroupdel
  • ✔ servergroupcopy
  • ✔ servergrouprename
  • ✔ servergrouppermlist
  • ✔ servergroupaddperm
  • ✔ servergroupdelperm
  • ✔ servergroupaddclient
  • ✔ servergroupdelclient
  • ✔ servergroupclientlist
  • ✔ servergroupsbyclientid
  • ✔ servergroupautoaddperm
  • ✔ servergroupautodelperm
  • ✔ serversnapshotcreate
  • ✔ serversnapshotdeploy
  • ✔ servernotifyregister
  • ✔ servernotifyunregister
  • ✔ sendtextmessage
  • ✔ logview
  • ✔ logadd
  • ✔ gm
  • ✔ channellist
  • ✔ channelinfo
  • ✔ channelfind
  • ✔ channelmove
  • ✔ channelcreate
  • ✔ channeldelete
  • ✔ channeledit
  • ✔ channelgrouplist
  • ✔ channelgroupadd
  • ✔ channelgroupdel
  • ✔ channelgroupcopy
  • ✔ channelgrouprename
  • ✔ channelgroupaddperm
  • ✔ channelgrouppermlist
  • ✔ channelgroupdelperm
  • ✔ channelgroupclientlist
  • ✔ setclientchannelgroup
  • ✔ tokenadd
  • ✔ tokendelete
  • ✔ tokenlist
  • ✔ tokenuse
  • ✔ channelpermlist
  • ✔ channeladdperm
  • ✔ channeldelperm
  • ✔ clientlist
  • ✔ clientinfo
  • ✔ clientfind
  • ✔ clientedit
  • ✔ clientdblist
  • ✔ clientdbinfo
  • ✔ clientdbfind
  • ✔ clientdbedit
  • ✔ clientdbdelete
  • ✔ clientgetids
  • ✔ clientgetdbidfromuid
  • ✔ clientgetnamefromuid
  • ✔ clientgetuidfromclid
  • ✔ clientgetnamefromdbid
  • ✔ clientsetserverquerylogin
  • ✔ clientupdate
  • ✔ clientmove
  • ✔ clientkick
  • ✔ clientpoke
  • ✔ clientpermlist
  • ✔ clientaddperm
  • ✔ clientdelperm
  • ✔ channelclientpermlist
  • ✔ channelclientaddperm
  • ✔ channelclientdelperm
  • ✔ permissionlist
  • ✔ permidgetbyname
  • ✔ permoverview
  • ✔ permget
  • ✔ permfind
  • ✔ permreset
  • ✔ privilegekeylist
  • ✔ privilegekeyadd
  • ✔ privilegekeydelete
  • ✔ privilegekeyuse
  • ✔ messagelist
  • ✔ messageadd
  • ✔ messagedel
  • ✔ messageget
  • ✔ messageupdateflag
  • ✔ complainlist
  • ✔ complainadd
  • ✔ complaindelall
  • ✔ complaindel
  • ✔ banclient
  • ✔ banlist
  • ✔ banadd
  • ✔ bandel
  • ✔ bandelall
  • ✔ ftinitupload
  • ✔ ftinitdownload
  • ✔ ftlist
  • ✔ ftgetfilelist
  • ✔ ftgetfileinfo
  • ✔ ftstop
  • ✔ ftdeletefile
  • ✔ ftcreatedir
  • ✔ ftrenamefile
  • ✔ customsearch
  • ✔ custominfo
  • ✔ whoami


File transfer functionality (✔ implemented - ✖ not implemented yet):

  • ✖ Download
  • ✖ Upload

List of Notifications (✔ implemented - ✖ not implemented yet):

  • ✖ notifytalkstatuschange
  • ✖ notifymessage
  • ✖ notifymessagelist
  • ✖ notifycomplainlist
  • ✖ notifybanlist
  • ✖ notifyclientmoved
  • ✖ notifyclientleftview
  • ✖ notifycliententerview
  • ✖ notifyclientpoke
  • ✖ notifyclientchatclosed
  • ✖ notifyclientchatcomposing
  • ✖ notifyclientupdated
  • ✖ notifyclientids
  • ✖ notifyclientdbidfromuid
  • ✖ notifyclientnamefromuid
  • ✖ notifyclientnamefromdbid
  • ✖ notifyclientuidfromclid
  • ✖ notifyconnectioninfo
  • ✖ notifychannelcreated
  • ✖ notifychanneledited
  • ✖ notifychanneldeleted
  • ✖ notifychannelmoved
  • ✖ notifyserveredited
  • ✖ notifyserverupdated
  • ✖ channellist
  • ✖ channellistfinished
  • ✖ notifytextmessage
  • ✖ notifycurrentserverconnectionchanged
  • ✖ notifyconnectstatuschange

List of Commands (✔ implemented - ✖ not implemented yet):

  • ✔ help
  • ✔ quit
  • ✔ use
  • ✔ auth
  • ✖ banadd
  • ✖ banclient
  • ✖ bandelall
  • ✖ bandel
  • ✖ banlist
  • ✖ channeladdperm
  • ✖ channelclientaddperm
  • ✖ channelclientdelperm
  • ✖ channelclientpermlist
  • ✖ channelconnectinfo
  • ✖ channelcreate
  • ✖ channeldelete
  • ✖ channeldelperm
  • ✖ channeledit
  • ✖ channelgroupadd
  • ✖ channelgroupaddperm
  • ✖ channelgroupclientlist
  • ✖ channelgroupdel
  • ✖ channelgroupdelperm
  • ✖ channelgrouplist
  • ✖ channelgrouppermlist
  • ✖ channellist
  • ✖ channelmove
  • ✖ channelpermlist
  • ✖ channelvariable
  • ✖ clientaddperm
  • ✖ clientdbdelete
  • ✖ clientdbedit
  • ✖ clientdblist
  • ✖ clientdelperm
  • ✖ clientgetdbidfromuid
  • ✖ clientgetids
  • ✖ clientgetnamefromdbid
  • ✖ clientgetnamefromuid
  • ✖ clientgetuidfromclid
  • ✖ clientkick
  • ✖ clientlist
  • ✖ clientmove
  • ✖ clientmute
  • ✖ clientunmute
  • ✖ clientnotifyregister
  • ✖ clientnotifyunregister
  • ✖ clientpermlist
  • ✖ clientpoke
  • ✖ clientupdate
  • ✖ clientvariable
  • ✖ complainadd
  • ✖ complaindelall
  • ✖ complaindel
  • ✖ complainlist
  • ✖ currentschandlerid
  • ✖ ftcreatedir
  • ✖ ftdeletefile
  • ✖ ftgetfileinfo
  • ✖ ftgetfilelist
  • ✖ ftinitdownload
  • ✖ ftinitupload
  • ✖ ftlist
  • ✖ ftrenamefile
  • ✖ ftstop
  • ✖ hashpassword
  • ✖ messageadd
  • ✖ messagedel
  • ✖ messageget
  • ✖ messagelist
  • ✖ messageupdateflag
  • ✖ permoverview
  • ✔ sendtextmessage
  • ✖ serverconnectinfo
  • ✔ serverconnectionhandlerlist
  • ✖ servergroupaddclient
  • ✖ servergroupadd
  • ✖ servergroupaddperm
  • ✖ servergroupclientlist
  • ✖ servergroupdelclient
  • ✖ servergroupdel
  • ✖ servergroupdelperm
  • ✖ servergrouplist
  • ✖ servergrouppermlist
  • ✖ servergroupsbyclientid
  • ✖ servervariable
  • ✖ setclientchannelgroup
  • ✖ tokenadd
  • ✖ tokendelete
  • ✖ tokenlist
  • ✖ tokenuse
  • ✖ verifychannelpassword
  • ✖ verifyserverpassword
  • ✔ whoami


This library, written in .Net Core, allows you to query TeamSpeak 3 servers using the query port.







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