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Additional Commands

MrDiamond64 edited this page Aug 17, 2022 · 7 revisions

Main Commands

/function op - Op's you in Scythe AntiCheat features. This allows you to run chat commands and be able to use blocks such as Command Blocks
/function help - Shows this help page.
/execute ~~~ function tools/ban - Ban the specified user.
/function credits - Shows credits, thats it.
/function notify - View all anticheat logs.

Optional Features

/function settings/modules - View all enabled or disabled modules.
/function settings/allowGMA - Enables/disables gamemode 2 to be used.
/function settings/allowGMC - Enables/disables gamemode 1 to be used.
/function settings/allowGMS - Enables/disables gamemode 0 to be used.
/function settings/removeCommandBlcoks - Enables/disables clearing nearby command blocks.
/function settings/bedrockvalidate - Enables/disables validation of bedrock (Such as in the nether roof or at y=0).
/function settings/overideCommandBlocksEnabled - Forces the commandblocksenabled gamerule to be enabled or disabled at all times.
/function settings/nofrostwalker - Enables/disables preventing frost walker. High levels of frost walker can crash realms.
/function settings/npc - Enables/disables Killing all NPC's.
/function settings/worldborder - Enables/disables the world border and its size.

Tools and Utilites

/execute ~~~ function tools/ecwipe - Clears a players ender chest.
/function tools/fly - Enables/disables fly mode in survival.
/execute ~~~ function tools/freeze - Freeze a player and make it so they cant move.
/execute ~~~ function tools/stats - View a players anticheat logs.
/function tools/vanish - Enables/disables vanish (Used for spying on suspects).

Gametest commands

!ban - Ban a player from the realm.
!kick - Kick a player from the realm.
!mute - Mute a player from chatting.
!unmute - Unmute a player.
!fly <playername (Optional)> - Enables fly mode.
!invsee - View the contents of a players inventory.
!notify - Enabled hack alerts.
!tag - Set a custom message tag.
!vanish - Puts you into vanish.