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How to release

Sebastiano Ferraris edited this page Jan 13, 2020 · 3 revisions

Memorandum. If you want to have access to make releases via PYPI (and if you have already contributed to this repo significantly), please drop me an email.

  1. check everything works, and that all is ready to be released
  2. update version number under
  3. commit the update with commit message new release v<Major.Minor.Patch>
  4. with ~/.pypirc properly set up run
python sdist upload
python bdist_wheel upload
  1. Add a release tag:
git tag -a v<Major.Minor.Patch>` -m "short and meaningful message"
git push origin --tags
  1. Add on the release page a comment related to the new tag, with what have been done between one version and the other.