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Installing stable version and development version

Sebastiano Ferraris edited this page Aug 19, 2017 · 4 revisions

Stable version

You can install the latest (stable) release as a python library via the package manager pip.

The stable released version can be installed with pip using

pip install bruker2nifti

(installing inside a python virtualenvironment is warmly recommended).

Development version

To install the current development version, clone the git repository and install the Python requirements via pip with

git clone
cd bruker2nifti
python bdist_wheel  # do not use sdist due to clash with git versioning query.
cd ../
pip install bruker2nifti/dist/bruker2nifti-XX.whl

where XX is the latest version downloaded.

Development version in development mode

To install the development version in development mode, type:

git clone
cd bruker2nifti
pip install -e .

This command will install Bruker2Nifti in development mode: it will create a .egg-link in the deployment directory to the project source code directory. Suggested in case you want to make some modifications to the code, and see the effects without re-installing each time.

Final check

  • pip freeze lists the libraries in your environment, where you should find bruker2nifti (with a long path if installed in development mode).

  • Test the code on some examples.


pip uninstall bruker2nifti

To delete the library in the virtualenv in case something wrong and pip uninstall will not be able to work correctly:

sudo rm -rf /path_to_site_packages_in_virtualenv/site-packages/bruker2nifti*

Note: pip install and uninstall, unless in development mode, should always be performed outside the root of the project.