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Unity 2022.2.12f1

0 - Table of Cotents

1 - Tessellation&Wireframe

1.1 - Demo

> Tessellation Shader

1.2 - Flowchart

Tessellation Shader


  1. shaders-botw-grass/BotWGrass.shader at main · daniel-ilett/shaders-botw-grass
  2. Catlike-coding-Tessellation
  3. Catlike-coding-Flat and Wireframe Shading

2 - Geometry Grass

  • <VFX> Collider Interactor - characters own collision volume against the grass.
  • <VFX> Wind FX
  • <EDT> Grass painting tool
  • <OPT> Culling based on distance - discard pixels when they are distant from camera.
  • <OPT> Pre-Z

2.1 - Demo

> Geograss

> Grass Painter Tool & Collider Interactor


  1. Unity Grass Geometry Shader Tutorial at Roystan
  2. GitHub - daniel-ilett/shaders-botw-grass: A Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild-style grass shader
  3. 自定义Unity Terrain材质来刷草-Part 2
  4. Youtube | Unity | I made an Interactive Grass Shader + Tool
  5. Mesh Texture painting in Unity Using Shaders

3 - Droplet Effect

3.1 - Demo

> Droplet FX

3.2 - Flowchart

Case - medium


  1. Youtube | Making a rainy window in Unity - Part 1
  2. Youtube | Making a rainy window in Unity - Part 2

4 - Double-layered BRDF - a Practice of Rainy Ground Rendering

  • <VFX> Ripple FX
  • <VFX> Water level go-up

4.1 - Demo

> Rainy Ground

> Water Level Go-up

4.2 - Note

Case - medium PBR


  1. 如何在Unity中造一个PBR Shader轮子
  2. URP管线的自学HLSL之路 第三十七篇 造一个PBR的轮子
  3. 【基于物理的渲染(PBR)白皮书】(一) 开篇:PBR核心知识体系总结与概览
  4. Water drop 2b – Dynamic rain and its effects
  5. Unity Shader 实现雨天的水面涟漪效果
  6. Unity Shader 水体渲染

5 - Realistic Character Rendering

5.1 - Skin

  • <VFX> BSSRDF - Pre-integrated Subsurface Scattering
  • <VFX> Specular BRDF - by Kelemen/Szirmay-Kalos
  • <VFX> non-physics-based BTDF - by Colin Barré-Brisebois/ Marc Bouchard
  • <VFX> Filmic tonemapping

5.1.1 - Demo

> Skin Rendering

> PISS BSSRDF (left) & Common BRDF (right)

5.1.2 - Note


5.1.3 Reference

  1. Pre-Integrated Skin Shading 的常见问题解答
  2. Pre-Integrated Skin Shading 数学模型理解
  3. Pre-Integrated Skin Shading实现笔记
  4. Simon's Tech Blog - Pre-Integrated Skin Shading
  5. Adam Chen - Skin Rendering
  6. SIGGRAPH 2011- Pre-Integrated Skin Shading
  7. GPU Pro 2_ Advanced Rendering Techniques_Engel W. (Ed.)
  8. GPU Gems 3 | Chapter 14. Advanced Techniques for Realistic Real-Time Skin Rendering
  9. A Microfacet Based Coupled Specular-Matte BRDF Model with Importance Sampling
  10. Alan Zucconi | Fast Subsurface Scattering in Unity (Part 1)
  11. Alan Zucconi | Fast Subsurface Scattering in Unity (Part 2)
  12. GDC 2011 – Approximating Translucency for a Fast, Cheap and Convincing Subsurface Scattering Look
  13. GPU Gems | Chapter 16. Real-Time Approximations to Subsurface Scattering

5.2 - Hair

  • <VFX> BRDF - by ATI Research's improvement on Kajiya-Kay Model
  • <VFX> Sorting Order - pass1 preZ & pass2 light calculation

5.2.1 - Demo


> BRDF by ATI Research

5.2.2 - Note


5.2.3 Reference

  1. Chapter 23. Hair Animation and Rendering in the Nalu Demo
  2. 角色渲染技术——毛发及其他
  3. Hair Rendering and Shading | ATI Research

6 - 2D Frame Animation

  • <VFX> Frame Animation - sample a texture atlas by indexes
  • <VFX> UV Rolling

6.1 - Demo

> Frame Animation

6.2 - Note



  1. Unity Shader 入门精要

7 - Tri-planar Projection

7.1 - Demo

Demo - Tri-Planar Projection Mapping


  1. Cat-like Coding - Triplanar Mapping


CG practice in unity







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