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Efficiently manage your studies, projects, track your job applications and event reminders with Clued Up.

Table of Contents

🔑 Key Features

Document and Article Repository • User-friendly interface for storing documents, articles, and relevant study materials.
• Users can add links to various resources, aiding in easy access during their studies.
• Enhance organization by allowing users to categorize materials based on subjects or topics.
• Facilitate efficient retrieval of information by implementing search and filter options.
Job Applications • User-friendly interface for storing documents, articles, and relevant study materials.
• Users can add links to various resources, aiding in easy access during their studies.
• Enhance organization by allowing users to categorize materials based on subjects or topics.
• Facilitate efficient retrieval of information by implementing search and filter options.
Online World Events Board • A comprehensive dashboard showcasing upcoming events in the tech industry.
• Users gain access to event specifics such as date, hosting organization, schedule, objectives, speakers, and event links.
• Enable users to mark their attendance and receive event reminders.

Pomodoro Timer • Integrate a Pomodoro timer to aid users in managing study sessions effectively.
• Users can set work and break durations according to the Pomodoro technique.
• Timer notifications and statistics provide insights into productivity and focus.

User-Editable Study Roadmap • Feature that allows users to create and edit a personalized study plan.
• Users can outline their learning goals, set milestones, and edit the roadmap as they progress.

Calendar Integration • Enable seamless integration between CluedUp's calendar and popular calendar apps like Google Calendar.
• Synchronize events and deadlines, ensuring users stay updated across platforms.

Progress Analysis and Statistics • Empower users with a visual representation of their study journey through graphs and statistics.
• Display progress over time, showing completed milestones, tasks, and time spent studying.
• Offer insights into app usage patterns to encourage effective study habits.

Collaboration Features • Users can easily share their customized study roadmaps with peers or collaborate on tasks.
• Streamline teamwork by allowing multiple users to contribute to and track shared tasks.

📚 Technologies

  • Next.js: React framework for server-side rendering of web applications.
  • Shadcn/ui: Interface component library for React.
  • Framer Motion: Library for animations.
  • Storybook: Tool for building and documenting interface components.
  • React Hook Form: Library for managing forms in React.
  • React Email: Library for sending emails with React.
  • Supabase: Asset management and storage service for files.
  • Jest: JavaScript testing framework.
  • React Testing Library: Library for testing React components in a user-centric way.
  • Vercel: Hosting and deployment platform for web projects.

❓ Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is CluedUp?

CluedUp is a study and productivity management application designed to help you efficiently organize your studies, projects, job applications, and events. It offers various features to enhance your productivity and learning experience.

2. Is CluedUp free to use?

Yes, CluedUp is free to use.

3. Can I access CluedUp on mobile devices?

Absolutely! CluedUp is responsive and can be accessed on various devices, including smartphones and tablets. You can use the web browser on your mobile device to access your account and manage your tasks.

4. How can I suggest a new feature or report a bug?

We'd love to hear your feedback! Please open an issue on our GitHub repository to suggest a new feature or report a bug you've encountered. Our team will review and respond promptly.

📝 Changelog


  • Initial release
  • Document and Article Repository

🔃 Support

For support, contact us at or visit our FAQ page.

💼 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.