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doomlab committed Mar 7, 2024
1 parent 2e1e893 commit 6b4e06e
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Showing 11 changed files with 514 additions and 8,820 deletions.
8,602 changes: 0 additions & 8,602 deletions 04_Procedure_temp/pt_total_summary.csv

This file was deleted.

474 changes: 256 additions & 218 deletions 06_Analysis/descriptive_statistics.Rmd

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

258 changes: 258 additions & 0 deletions 06_Analysis/pre_registered/descriptive_statistics.Rmd
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
title: "Descriptive Statistics"
author: "Erin M. Buchanan"
date: "Last Update `r Sys.Date()`"
toc: yes
df_print: paged
toc: yes

```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, size="scriptsize")
def.chunk.hook <- knitr::knit_hooks$get("chunk")
knitr::knit_hooks$set(chunk = function(x, options) {
x <- def.chunk.hook(x, options)
ifelse(options$size != "normalsize", paste0("\\", options$size,"\n\n", x, "\n\n \\normalsize"), x)

## Libraries

current_year <- 2022
# Suppress summarise info
options(dplyr.summarise.inform = FALSE)

## Import the Files

trials <- import("../05_Data/output_data/trial_data.csv")
participants <- import("../05_Data/output_data/participant_data.csv")
items <- import("../05_Data/output_data/item_data.csv")
priming <- import("../05_Data/output_data/prime_data.csv") #also later for 2.5 and 3.0

We will import these files from our data folder for the final analyses. This example analysis examines the Semantic Priming Project data to simulate how to do some of the analyses.

SPP_participant <- import("../02_Power/")
SPP_participant <- SPP_participant %>%
filter(target.ACC == 1) %>% # only correctly answered trials
filter(rel != "nw") %>% # exclude nonword trials
filter(! %>% # exclude NAs
select(rel, Ztarget.RT, target, Subject, Trial)

## Participant Demographics

- Number of participants excluded
- All this information calculated after participants are excluded for less than 80% correct across trials:

- Gender
- Age
- Education level
- Computer Type
- Browser Type

- Separate tables will be provided for the excluded participants (to do later)
- Overall and by language (included later) demographics

# gender
kable(count(participants, please_tell_us_your_gender))
# age
describe(current_year - as.numeric(participants$which_year_were_you_born), na.rm = T)
# education level
kable(count(participants, please_tell_us_your_education_level))
# native language
kable(count(participants, native_language))
# sample size by lab
kable(count(participants, url_lab))
# information about computer
kable(count(participants, meta_platform))
# information about web browser
participants$browser <- sapply(strsplit(participants$meta_user_agent,
split = " "), tail, 1)
participants <- participants %>%
separate(col = browser,
into = c("browser", "browser_version"),
sep = "/",
remove = TRUE)
kable(count(participants, browser))
# language locale versus language they took it in
kable(count(participants, meta_locale))
# number of excluded participants

## Trial Level Data

- After excluding participants, calculate these statistics ... you have to leave in the bad trials for accuracy and final time stamp.

# amount of time the study last line tells you the length
final_trials <-
trials %>%
filter(keep_participant == "keep") %>%
group_by(observation) %>%
arrange(desc(timestamp)) %>%
kable(describe(final_trials$time_commit / 1000 / 60 ))
# number of trials by word type
# accuracy of trials by word type
trials %>%
filter(keep_participant == "keep") %>%
group_by(class) %>%
summarize(number_trials = n(),
accuracy_trials = sum(correct, na.rm = T)/n())

- Now we exclude those bad trials and calculate:

# response latencies by word type
# SE by word type
describe_trials <-
trials %>%
filter(keep_participant == "keep") %>%
group_by(class) %>%
filter(keep == "keep") #also take out bad trials
#(this is really handled by Z_RT being NA, but doesn't hurt)
describeBy(describe_trials$Z_RT, group = describe_trials$class)
describe_trials <-
trials %>%
filter(keep_participant == "keep") %>%
group_by(class) %>%
filter(abs(Z_RT) < 2.5) %>%
filter(keep == "keep") #also take out bad trials
#(this is really handled by Z_RT being NA, but doesn't hurt)
describeBy(describe_trials$Z_RT, group = describe_trials$class)
describe_trials <-
trials %>%
filter(keep_participant == "keep") %>%
group_by(class) %>%
filter(abs(Z_RT) < 3.0) %>%
filter(keep == "keep") #also take out bad trials
#(this is really handled by Z_RT being NA, but doesn't hurt)
describeBy(describe_trials$Z_RT, group = describe_trials$class)

## Item Level Data

- All data has been filtered at this point

# average sample size at the item level
describeBy(items$samplesize, group = items$class)
describeBy(items$Z2.5_samplesize, group = items$class)
describeBy(items$Z3.0_samplesize, group = items$class)
# accuracy of trials by word type
describeBy(items$accuracy, group = items$class)
# response latencies by word type
describeBy(items$avgZ_RT, group = items$class)
describeBy(items$Z2.5_avgZ_RT, group = items$class)
describeBy(items$Z3.0_avgZ_RT, group = items$class)
# SE by word type
describeBy(items$seZ_RT, group = items$class)
describeBy(items$Z2.5_seZ_RT, group = items$class)
describeBy(items$Z3.0_seZ_RT, group = items$class)

## Priming Level Data

# average priming
# total number of words with priming > 0
sum(priming$avgZ_prime > 0, na.rm = T)
# also do this for the 2.5 and 3.0 trials

### Split Half Reliability (Item)

We will split the data in half and correlate the items together. This procedure will be repeated 100 times to avoid random poor splits. We will perform this on the trial level data - here is an example calculated on the SPP data.

save_correlation <- rep(NA, 100)
for (i in 1:100){
# split data in half
SPP_participant$split <- sample(1:2, nrow(SPP_participant),
replace = T)
# summarize the data
SPP_summary <- SPP_participant %>%
group_by(target, rel, split) %>% #calculate by item, relation, split
summarize(meanZ_RT = mean(Ztarget.RT))
# pivot
SPP_wide <- SPP_summary %>%
pivot_wider(id_cols = target,
names_from = c(rel, split),
values_from = meanZ_RT) %>%
mutate(prime_1 = un_1 - rel_1,
prime_2 = un_2 - rel_2)
save_correlation[i] <- cor(SPP_wide$prime_1, SPP_wide$prime_2)

### Split Half Reliability (Person)

SPP_participant$Trial_even <- (SPP_participant$Trial) %% 2 == 0
SPP_summary <- SPP_participant %>%
group_by(Subject, Trial_even, rel) %>%
summarize(meanZ_RT = mean(Ztarget.RT)) %>%
pivot_wider(id_cols = Subject,
names_from = c(Trial_even, rel),
values_from = meanZ_RT) %>%
mutate(prime_1 = FALSE_un - FALSE_rel,
prime_2 = TRUE_un - TRUE_rel)
cor(SPP_summary$prime_1, SPP_summary$prime_2)

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