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Triage Meeting March 29, 2022 Preparing for Release 3.0 alpha

Tue Nguyen edited this page Mar 29, 2022 · 13 revisions


List of features:

Finish the Parser service and remove the Legacy Backend

  • Steps to finish: Check Parser's docker healthcheck, isolate backend
  • Obstacles: removing backend could be difficult
  • Related issues: 2777

Finish our monorepo tooling (eslint, tests, pnpm, etc), and fix edge cases we're hitting now

  • Steps to finish:
  • Obstacles:
  • Related issues: 2913,

Finish Dockerfile/Image optimizations and use our new Docker Registry for all of our images and deployments

  • Steps to finish: Fix M1 bug, fix e2e test , fix feed planet bug. Figure out if buildx can use docker-slim.
  • Obstacles:
  • Related issues: 1668, 2526, 3017 not in high priority, 2877, 2812

Ship and finish the first version of the Docusaurus docs, including docs on anything that the next set of students will need

  • Steps to finish: Waiting for home page,
  • Obstacles:
  • Related issues:3048, 2993,2987, 2924

Get an Alpha (i.e., usable to read posts) version of the React Native App shipped

  • Steps to finish: Adding api call to footer (shift focus to work on render posts)
  • Obstacles:
  • Related issues: 2857, 3203, 3081, 3343

Fully integrate Supabase into our front-end and back-end in production, and stop using the Wiki Feed List

  • Steps to finish: Waiting for secret .env for staging + production before putting supabase on production. Change parser to work with supabase. Figure out how front-end uses Feed from Posts to remove it to use supabase instead
  • Obstacles:
  • Related issues: 3327, 3325, 3081, 3033, 2979, 2966, 2951,2913, 2877, 2861, 2822,, 1907, 2814

Use our front-end Sign-up flow for adding new users/feeds

  • Steps to finish: Need more discussions
  • Obstacles:
  • Related issues: 2909, 3059

Finish Search/ES improvements

  • Steps to finish: We're using supabase query to query github info instead of putting them into elasticsearch
  • Obstacles:
  • Related issues: 1260, 2832, 2833, 3211

Finish YouTube/Twitch feed integration

Finish dependency service so that it's usable by the next set of students in the fall for finding bugs to work on

  • Steps to finish:
  • Obstacles:
  • Related issues: 3331, 2829, 2828
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