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Initial release

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@tusmester tusmester released this 28 Mar 12:55
· 1206 commits to master since this release

Introducing Sense/Net Services 7.0.0 beta

Sense/Net Services is the base component of the Sense/Net ECM platform that all other components will build on.


To get started, install the following NuGet package. Please follow the instructions in the Getting started section of the main readme.


Known issues

There are a couple of known issues with the beta release. We plan to solve these before releasing the stable version:

  • Open in Office feature is currently not available in the beta release.
  • There is a single Services NuGet package that contains both dlls and install content files. If you install the package into multiple projects, all the install files (e.g. web.config additions) will be added to all those projects. In the future we will publish two different NuGet packages: one containing only dlls and one for install files.